Aren’t Dvaita and Advaita two sides of the same reality?

Aren’t Dvaita and Advaita two sides of the same reality?

Dvaita and Advaita are both concepts which appear after the formless reality was known through form based existence. Prior to experiencing the form based existence the reality was not knowing anything, as there was nothing other to know.

Knowing and labeling occurred within body based illusion of experience, experiencer, and experiencing, along with the concepts of birth, death, life and so many other illusory body based concepts.

You are not body. You are formless. All of the body based existence, concepts, knowledge, labels, etc. are completely illusory, as you are not, were not, and can never be a body form.

Their are no sides or limits except in appearance, you are formless.

What is beyond Samadhi?

You are prior to every experience, Samadhi is an experience, you are prior to this. If you are experiencing Samadhi then there is still some remnant of an experiencer. You are prior to every experience, you must be there in order for an experience to be perceived, even the first or primary experience ‘I exist’ on which an entire world rests.

How do I meditate in ten steps or less?

Observe your breath naturally flowing in and out. Now try and observe the observer of this observation of breath. Where is this one located? Who is observing the observation of breath? Who am I? Of course nothing that can be observed is you, the observer. Continue earnestly and this will produce within you the deepest peace and stillness, on which all of the things that can be observed appear and disappear.

In Advaita Vedanta, what does it mean by, “I am not the doer.”?

You are not body. You are formless. Formlessness can never be separate from form, even if you think about this with the veil of ignorance of body based knowledge, formless would provide the background from which form appears and disappears, consider space.

Whether murder or lovemaking occur within the space in a room, the space just Is, it is not doing anything, merely provided the background on which activity may appear.

As you are not a body, all of the body based relations, knowledge and the illusion of experience, are completely false. They are anchored with the false perception of being a body, in a world, that is born and dies.

You are not body. You are formless. Even formless is a concept only known after the body based illusion has appeared.

Is the use of intellect not advisable for self inquiry since this requires active use of thoughts? (which most meditation techniques frown upon)

Presence within the body is trying to find out who am I since it appears to be covered by the body form and confusion arises. All inquiry is to remove the illusory layers which appear to distract you from the reality.

You are not body. You are formless. All of the body based existence is absolutely illusion as they occur within you, not you in it.

Self Inquiry allows this to be perceived directly as Presence remains with Presence using the body form.

Presence has discovered itself within the bodies of the Spiritual Saints who have tried as best they can to tell the same Presence within the body that it is using, labeled with your name, You are formless, timeless, spaceless, birthless and deathless.

Please discover this truth for yourself and step out of the illusory body based existence and all of the concepts, beliefs, relations and so-called knowledge that came along with it.

Any knowledge or experience you have acquired through the body is meaningless, as you are not the body.

Discover this truth for yourself.

Jai Sadguru!

Can meditation help to control and relax impulsive/obsessive/anxious minds?

Yes, of course. Meditation allows you to observe thoughts, images and emotions that are flowing constantly, this is labeled as mind.

Your position as the observer creates the understanding that you are outside of the process.

Understanding that you are out of the flow, allows for attention to be directed towards or away from this flow.

Once it is deeply impressed that you are outside of the flow unless through attention you jump in and get carried away, the famous analogy of the river, you will no longer be carried away.

Impulsive, obsessive and anxious are no longer impressed as you are no longer being carried along with this flow, you are outside, unaffected.

Perhaps in the beginning you will not completely understand what is being said here and that is good. You are meant to experience directly, not understand. Take the experience described as something which has already been discovered as truth, and seek to prove or disprove for yourself, the experience of one who knows.

What could be the simplest definition of ‘awakened’, ‘self realization of God or enlightenment’ and ‘meeting with God or getting His Darshan’?

Presence within the body, recognizing, ‘I am not body’, while holding the body form which is appearing within the formless, body-less, timeless, space-less, birth-less, death-less, Presence, That You Are.

Sitting with that sentence, reading again and again, will produce such recognition and relieve you of this body based illusion of experience, experiencer, and experiencing.

Jai Sadguru!

What do advanced nondual teachers think of the law of attraction?

Non-dual is literally not-two. So what could be attracted to what?

The highest quote advanced non-dual teachers speak one absolute truth.

You are not body. You are formless. Their is nothing except formless you. All of the knowledge that you have gained using the body is meaningless, as you are not a body. All relations, all knowledge, all experiences, begin with the wrong perceiving point of being a body in a world.

If the so called advanced non-dual teachers entertain dualistic concepts even in their explanations of non-duality it is only because they are not yet aware of the truth and believe that their is something to be gained (money, publicity, etc.)

The absolute truth is very simple. You are not, were not, and have never been a body in a world having experiences, you only appear to be.

You are not body. You are formless. The illusion of experience (living a life) is conceptual built on the wrong perspective of being a form (body) within a form based existence (world of name and form).

Teachings and teachers say you can’t realize the Self without practice meditation, so how come some wake up from reading a non dual book which is just more concepts and intellectual knowledge?

Waking up is very different than Conviction. Knowing you are That, and living with the Realization while still in the illusion of name and form (body based existence) are as different as a woman who knows she is pregnant, yet has not felt the first kick or movement within.

Books and spiritual knowledge are their to reflect reality, to invite the attention of the formless Presence, You Are That. Dissolving illusion and deepening conviction requires absorbing Presence acting as quick sand for the body base.

According to Vedanta, how is it logically possible that consciousness is in matter too?

Due to the misidentification of being an object within Consciousness, consciousness perceives objects as being separate and apart. When you recognize your true formless nature then the material will be easily discerned as within the immaterial, or the known within the unknown.

As long as you are identified with a body, the dream of consciousness or (Maya if you prefer) will continue to delude you into creating a story of living a life through the concept of ‘birth’.

This is so very easily seen in a dream. You are laying down sleeping, consciousness creates a dream world and you appear within it and begin to perceive the dream from this perspective. Of course your body is laying down sleeping and upon waking you are able to understand that everything occurred within the dream, and that you never were in the dream, the dream was within you.

It is the same in the so-called waking state, only ‘waking up’ is done after the body form can no longer sustain your essence, which will end the concept of experience, experiencer and experiencing.

Jai Sadguru!

Can you be fully aware of your presence?

You are fully aware of your presence as you are fully aware that you exist, which is the indication of your presence.

Your existence you cannot dispute, who or what knows this existence or presence you must discover for yourself.

You are always fully aware of your presence, the position of the one who is aware is the real question to be answered. Who knows ‘I exist’ Who am I?

What is the origin of karma for a soul? How did the karma cycle start in the first place?

Ignorance is the origin of Karma.

The ignorance or misunderstanding that the formless, timeless, attribute less, is a mere body form in a world.

Knowledge of one’s true position will break the cycle of ignorance of which ‘Karma’ is a concept within.