Tukaram Abhangas with English Captions

1. The root cause of birth, gunas/attributes, is nothing but misery. When you take a body, duality comes. With an equal balance of virtues and sins you get a human body. You don’t appreciate the human body and make the worst of life, running here and there for happiness. By three attributes you work with life and by these attributes you uselessly lose your life without understanding. Tama guna, ignorance, is nothing but the shit of the ego, hell. Rajas is thinking again and again of worldly affairs. Stick to the Sattva guna and day and night think that this is not true and understand what is Reality. Whole day and night understand this is nothing and don’t go the wrong way. Never think the world is true. One who is going the wrong way, only a realized person takes him to the right path. Only a realized person gives real understanding and takes you to the right path. Go to His feet and accept what He says! He gives others understanding and they can swim this ocean which is not true. Tukaram says by going to Him, you understand and make your family understand.

2. He is the real person in all three worlds, who can make people understand. This rare person sees no duality, only Oneness and He gives this understanding to others making them great. By following His guidance you become HE. Anger vanishes from you because you know Myself is everywhere. Dirt of the mind is cleaned and you’re like the Ganges (knowledge) which runs and runs cleaning everybody, taking away misunderstanding. Your mind is like the Ganga cleaning out the dirt-duality; like the residence of the Lord/Bhagavan. Due to his devotion (nothing is true), HE is always with Him. He sees everywhere SELF, and is complete. The realized one sees Himself everywhere, as clearly as you see your own thumb. Those who have no understanding cannot understand Him. One who has Self-understanding remains in Himself, no need to tell anybody. So, He remains in Himself. Other people don’t understand Him. [Only Saints of that status know who He is.] Open your eyes with knowledge; see everybody as Oneness. Don’t say wrong things, or gossip about Him. Take the knowledge of Self from Him that only He offers. Don’t do anything! Just go to the Saint so you can understand. When real understanding comes your luck will open. In the vicinity of a Saint your luck will open and you can understand, WHO AM I ? In the Puranas (old mythological books) it is described. Tukaram gives this proclamation that nothing is true; only Yourself is true.

3. Since many births you’ve taken this world as true, which is the real sin. The Saint is the real One. Never leave His feet. Understand what He gives and never forget. Make yourself strong; determine that He is the only person who can give the real truth. Be yourself HE! (Sha-ran-gad/Krishna) He says, “I’m not the body, I am HE.” Ignorant persons don’t understand this. This will be understood only in the vicinity of a Saint. Burn wrong desires and make the desire for the Self only. When the seed is burned it won’t grow again. Make your mind clean by understanding THAT. Then you will know you’re not the body. Tukaram says only then will you know that where you “stay” is HE.

4. Understand the Reality and don’t go astray, not for a moment. If you try to know through thoughts you’ll only wander the world. If you go astray by following your thoughts, you’ll forget your own interest -Yourself. Say, “Oh mind, you’re a thinking mind. Understand, I AM HE.” Understand, “I am not a small creature (jiva), I am HE (Shiva).” Don’t be a shape. Don’t touch anything. By realizing this, you will experience bliss (Atmasukha)- Self-happiness. This way, you become HE. Merge with all the elements and then all the people are Myself. Forget the ego! You are everywhere. You are in shit and you are in heaven also; all HIS creation. When you say me and mine then you protect. Say everybody is mine, then ego goes off. Have mercy for all; ” I am everywhere.” “He is Myself,” in whatever state he may be. This is the only sadhana. When such thinking comes in the mind, then illusion/Maya doesn’t remain. The net of illusion doesn’t remain when you have love for Krishna/Chakrapani. With knowledge, see everybody and say my wish is his wish and his wish is my wish. Have deep love for the Saint and don’t forget His greatness. He has taken the name of God and talks about God always. He is Lord in manifest form. Remember Him and you become Shiva. Don’t leave the books of knowledge; hear Saints and sing that only. Don’t sing anything else! Think always of HIM; contemplate ‘I am HE’, not the body. That way you will get Self- understanding.(Sakshatkara) Go to the Reality. HE is shapeless. Understand that in every shape is HE. Then you’re always happy. (You see the shape, then troubles remain.) Once you understand nothing is true, no worries for you. Inside, your mind is calm and quiet. You are in tune with Brahman; you are blessed! When One is completely satisfied, how does He stay? I’ll tell you the secret. With full mind, hear me. He remains as a foolish person. Outside, He lives like a mad man, but inside He is always in tune with Self. Like the bee, only interested in honey from the flower, He is always thinking of the Self. Inside and outside, only Self. Nobody can understand Him or what He does or his thinking. Only Yogis, those who understand correctly, know the essence in Him. Only those who have the practice of Reality know the true identity of a Saint. Tuka says for others it is illusion. Saints, by their presence give peace to others.

5. To some He’s a fool but to those who have love for Reality, they value what He has given and are always quiet. Just as salt dissolved in water never comes out, same way ego disappears. He melts it. This melting can be in anybody’s heart. One should be a melted person. Once in water, salt cannot return to solid form. Likewise, the one who understands Reality, He is melted. Thought has become thoughtless. The Saint stays in Brahman. He never goes again in the illusion. He never bothers with worldly things. Tuka says, “What I tell is the Truth.”

6. These abhangas have come from heaven, especially for you. By chanting these 12 abhangas (verses) all sins brought forward from past births, will be burned. Narayana will protect you, now and in the future. When you need HIM most, HE protects you. Your mind has been changed; wrong thoughts go and HE remains. Then you understand real devotion — always thinking of Him and not of yourself. By real devotion you will get every proof of realization. Your ancestors will be uplifted also. He acquires this world and the other world. Tukaram says, “This is the only truth and I vouch for it.”

7. His mind is so charitable, for the genuine good of others He gives with great clarity to everybody and they get this understanding. This is the real prasad. In this way worldly miseries go away for you and others also. This can happen to you. On the oath of my Master I tell you. These are my cymbals He has sent from (heaven) Self. You are That. You should chant my name with love. I have achieved Reality (gone to Vaikuntha, Lord Krishna’s place) by the grace of my Master. With a strong wish, I bow down to you and tell you, you can also achieve what I have achieved. Saint says with conviction, God is with Him. He’s responsible. You will experience that which I’ve said is the Truth. With every action, remember This. This is the last wish of Tukaram.

8. He has bowed down to us, so we should realize. If you do this you’ll see Vithoba and how He is protecting you every now and then. In everybody, see HIS face. In that way you can bow down to HIM. By meeting HIM, your worries cease. For you, I have given this real understanding. For the good wish of the whole world, I give understanding to all. Whoever reads this and acts accordingly is a real devotee and will have the experience. If you sing these twelve abhangas you will be Realized in the body free from all bondage, never to return to the world again. No doubts remain. The cycle of birth/death vanishes. You are complete; you’ve attained Reality. In 4 bodies there resides one Self covered by 34 (3 attributes + 4 bodies) ‘coverings’. In reciting these 12 abhangas (verses) you get to know what Tukaram says.

9. Don’t leave these 12 abhangas!! The essence is in them. Then after understanding, any actions you do, you won’t be responsible for the fruits of those actions. You are beyond actions. Everything now is for Totality. You won’t take birth again; this is my oath. But you must whole- heartedly read these abhangas again and again with mind, intellect and heart to understand the real meaning. Make them more precious than your life. By reading them again and again, if you consider HIM better than your life, you will have darshan of Vithoba in manifest form. This is bound to happen! What is described in the Vedas and scriptures, was put in these 12 abhangas, translated for you in Marathi. (12 = the 1 unmanifest + 2 , Ishwara/ Maya or Parush/Prakriti.) The essence of what has been said in dictionary, Do’s and Don’ts of the Brahma Sutra, other texts and their sub-texts, is said in my (Tukaram) abhangas.

10. My verses contain the secret about devotion as well as wisdom in praise of the Lord. Seventy five are “aimed” at understanding dispassion/renunciation. 75 means 7 and 5. 7= the 5 elements+mind+intellect and 5 is sense objects. Conquering these, brings renunciation. And same number is sung for the Lord. Sixty are aimed at describing the form of God. With understanding, then 5 sense objects and ignorance (equaling 6) becomes nothing but zero=6 0, repeatedly described in verses. My ritual is to pray to the Lord, and I should be without attributes (Sattva, Raja, Tama should be zero=30) You are the only real aim to reach. Twelve look to self-realization. Now I realize that You are only one and my past assumption that I existed as an individual (1+ 2) has dissolved in You. These abhangas have been conceived on earth and are as valuable as the 5 elements which make up this earth. (34 and 5)The only Truth says Tukaram is Self, residing in the house/body which has 3 attributes and 4 subtle bodies. This Self is veiled by 5 coverings. Once you understand, this is the only Truth. (In this verse Vitthala is speaking to Tukaram.)

11. Sagun (manifest) and nirgun (unmanifest) are One. Whatever you see and perceive is ME, Vitthala. This understanding came to Tukaram.

12. Those who recite these abhangas everyday with understanding will become That. Those who recite with love and devotion will stay on the spiritual path. No troubles will remain for them. If they read these abhangas with love they will be uplifted and always happy. Whenever there is danger or problems be strong enough to recite these abhangas with a firm mind and difficulties will be overcome. Vitthala says to Tukaram, “I will not only make them free of problems but I will take them to my own place.”….to the original understanding that I am HE.



Bhajans sung by devotees at Nashik Ashram.

Bhajans Booklet Download Updated 11/22/17

Greatness of Master

Guru is the King in the generations of saints : Guru Hā Santa-kuli-čā Rājā

Kakad Arati


I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.
I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am not the mind, intellect, ego or sub-conscious.
I am not the ears, the tongue, nose or eyes.
I am not space, earth, fire or wind.
I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am not breathing power, the seven vital bodily constituents
Nor the five coverings
I am not speech, hands, feet, nor the rectum
I am eternal bliss. I am Shiva.

I am not envy, greed, nor craving nor attraction.
I am not arrogance nor jealousy nor pride.
Nor religion, wealth, spending for mankind or liberation.
I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am not virtue, sin, joy, nor sorrow.
I am not mantra, pilgrimage, scriptures, offering or ritual fire.
I am not food, the eating nor the one who eats.
I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am not death, doubt nor discrimination of caste.
I am not father, mother, hence no birth.
I am not brother, nor friend, nor guru nor aspirant.
I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

I am beyond concept, without change, beyond form.
I am all-pervading in all the senses.
I see equality in everyone; I’m neither liberated nor in bondage.
I am eternal bliss, I am Shiva.

From the whole and perfect the whole and perfect becomes manifest.
If the whole and perfect issues forth from the whole and perfect, even still
Only the whole and perfect will remain.

Last Terminus

You have got knowledge, but that knowledge is supposed to become part and parcel of your spiritual life. Everybody knows that this body is not going to remain constant. But as long as you have got attachment with the body, attachment with the mind ego intellect, that knowledge will not be absorbed. At present, there is the pressure of mind, ego and intellect on the body. We are supplying energy to mind, ego and intellect. Your energy is most important. Your Presence is most important. You are not knowing your importance. Still you are considering “I am somebody else, male or female”. That is not your identity. Basically you are formless. It is fact. You are not accepting it. Listen carefully: human body, human form, is a golden opportunity to identify yourself. Though it is not your identity, human form is a media through which you can identify.

What is the necessity of this spirituality? In human life, what is the necessity, the importance of spirituality? See, the moment that Spirit clicked with the body, you started knowing “I am”. Instantly you see the world. And in childhood, father and mother, called parents, social life, relatives, everybody tries to impress their own thoughts. Social culture, spiritual culture. And it is the nature of this Spirit to accept those illusionary concepts. You are man or woman, you are father or mother; these are your relations, and so many concepts, hundreds of concepts, thousands of concepts. And our lifestyle is within the circle of these illusionary concepts. We are totally ignorant. We are not knowing ourSelves properly. We live in this human life with so much attachment to body, so much attachment to body related relations, father, mother, sister, brother, Master, God, so many. But we forgot what is the truth? Where are the attachments prior to beingness? No attachment is there. All relations came along with this body. All relations dissolve, disappear, along with the body.

So at the last stage, there should not be any desire. At present, we have got lots of desires. A lot of needs, a lot of requirements because body knowledge is not tolerable? It happens, every being, in animals also? But in human form, we are having some intellect. We are having some mind, we can understand. Mind means flow of thoughts, a continuous flow of thoughts is there. Good thoughts, bad thoughts. Mainly there are three types of thoughts flowing inside: spiritual thoughts, commercial thoughts and criminal thoughts. Spiritual thoughts means we are thinking always about gods and goddesses, prayers, self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge, etc. Commercial thoughts means all commercial life, enjoyment and so on. Criminal thoughts means hatreds, struggle and all. So spiritual thought will help you to develop your identity, to convince yourself. Therefore, which thoughts to be accepted, and which thoughts not to be accepted, it is up to you. There are so many questions; hundreds of questions are there, because all these questions appear upon your Presence, because you forgot your identity.

Basically, you are Ultimate Truth. Which is called God, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master. In spite of this literal spiritual knowledge, still you have got so many questions. All questions are body related questions. So first thing, first priority to be given, after knowing the Reality “I am Brahman I am Ultimate Truth”. So why are these concepts appearing? All concepts are appearing upon your Presence. They are creating confusion; mind is such that it is creating confusion. So many questions are being raised, body based questions. I receive sometimes so many questions from devotees, seekers, always body-based concepts. So first thing, discard your body based concepts. Discard your body. Body is not your identity at all. Unless we accept the Reality that “Body is not my identity, body was not my identity and body is not going to remain my identity”, the experience of a body appears upon your Presence. Body is having life problems, depressions are there, unpleasant atmospheres are there, we are afraid, we have tension, no peacefulness, no blissfulness, always fear of death. All these illusionary concepts are supposed to be dissolved, that is the main goal of spirituality.

“How can I discard all these concepts?”: that is the question. To know your self in a real sense, we are knowing ourselves in body form, and body form is not going to remain constant. Prior to beingness, prior to consciousness, you are not holding any body. Prior to one hundred years, have you got any body? No. After leaving body, what body remains? You are neither man nor woman. You are not Brahman, Brahman is a name given to Ultimate Truth. “Then how was I?” That is the question. Spiritual science says you are just like space or sky, sky is everywhere, it is not limited with India. It is everywhere. Sky does not have any special identity; sky does not have any individuality. It is vast.

Your Presence is everywhere. In every being, your Presence is there. Bodies are different, Presence is there. How can you identify? Because the moment that Spirit clicks with the body, the entire world is projected. Just like in a dream, you are in deep sleep, you see the dream. Who has created the dream world? You are seeing yourself, you see the entire world, you see the sun, moon, gods, goddesses, friends, father, mother, everything, all things. Not even that, you are seeing yourself, you are acting there. You are having some role. You are playing some role. In that dream you feel that dream is true. You are enjoying that dream or not enjoying it, there may be good experience or bad experience. Who is experiencing that dream? Who is watching that dream? That is your identity. Because you are sleeping, there is subtler and subtler identity there, which is called Brahman, Atman, Ultimate Truth. I am talking about that subtle unidentified identity which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, That you are. Though you are holding body, you are unconcerned with the body. So this Reality is supposed to be absorbed. So literally you are knowing everything. You have got literal conviction. It should be spontaneous Conviction.

After having spontaneous Conviction, though thoughts are flowing, good and bad, you will not give them importance. Just like in a dream world, after awakening you say, “I had good or bad dreams”. Just like Janaka, he was king, but he had seen that he was begging, so he questioned all his stalwart spiritualists “Is that true or is this true?”. In the Ashtavakra Gita, this story is there, it is a good book. Ashtavakra was a great spiritualist in those days, he was only a 14 or 15-year-old boy. But he was having exceptional realization. It is a big story, I am now talking about a big story. And here, he replied to Janaka. Janaka asked, “The only question I have is whether this is true or that is true?” He told him, “I was having a dream where I was begging as a beggar and now I am king”. Ashtavakra was a very very brilliant spiritualist. Instantly he said, “That is also false, this is also false”. What you see in a dream, that dream world is also an illusion, what you see today with this body form, it is also illusion. No other question is there, but the Presence in a dream and the Presence in this body form are one and the same. Without Presence, you can’t watch a dream and without Presence you can’t watch this body-based knowledge. So your Presence is there also and it is here but you are measuring, you are counting yourself as body form. That concept is supposed to be dissolved.

And all this is okay, some basic knowledge you have got, how to implement it? How to digest it? That is the main question. And the main question will be solved with meditation. Why is meditation required? Because within this body, invisible Presence is very sensitive. Considering the virtue of sensitiveness of this Spirit, the words are given, “Aham Brahmasami”, “I am Brahman” or “Soham”, whatsoever the words may be. Every lineage gives different words. Those words are creating vibration when you are reciting Mantra, meditating with the Mantra, concentrating with the Mantra. You are asking how to meditate: in the beginning you are to have some discipline. You sit in this fashion, half closed eyes, you concentrate on the tip of the nose. Why do this? Because your mind is very crazy. To keep the mind busy, we ask you to concentrate on the tip of the nose. So while the mind is concentrating on the tip of the nose, at the same time, you are reciting the Mantra. When the mind is busy, it will not play against you. After keeping it busy, your purpose is served. You are hammering it. Keeping the mind busy with concentration, you are not allowing it to create any questions or any crazy activity. And then by reciting Mantra, you will be directly hammering your Selfless Self : “You are Brahman, you are Brahman, I am Brahman, Brahman I am, I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. After nonstop reciting, Originality will be open: “So that I!” And instantly, after some time, of course it depends upon your involvement, seriousness in meditation, not casual meditation. What Master says, you have to accept it, and then instantly, Reality will be open with you. Where experience and experiencer will disappear. You will forget form. There isn’t any witness or witnesser. Though you are sitting for meditation, you remain unconcerned. You will forget everything. You will get exceptional peacefulness inside. Through meditation, some vibration are created inside, and the waves create a spiritual atmosphere within you. That spiritual atmosphere helps to absorb the Reality.

And for which, we are insisting, in the beginning, meditation is supposed to be strict and well disciplined, without which you can’t identify yourSelf. Only literal knowledge, dry knowledge, will not help you. So be strong, have courage to accept the Reality. I am always saying not to neglect your duties, not to ignore your responsibilities, not to neglect your family life, not to neglect your routine life. Do your duty. But at the same time, there is the conviction “I am not doer, there is no deed”. It is fact. You are not doer, there is no deed. For deed and doer, some form is required. You are not having any form, you are basically formless. This human form is not living constantly. How are you prior to one hundred years? Formless. No birth, no death. Not to do anything. You must have conviction, spontaneous conviction, in the beginning. Then after having conviction, though you are living in this illusionary world, you will remain unconcerned. All body-based concepts will dissolve, disappear. You are knowing, you can watch: “Yes, this is correct, this is false, this is illusion”. After knowing they are illusion, you will not have any attachment. No desire is there, thoughts are flowing, mind is very crazy. Previously, we were becoming slave of mind ego and intellect. The mind was dictating terms “do this and do that”. After knowing That: “I am providing energy to the mind”. Without your Presence, how can mind run? If there is no Presence, mind can’t act. Prior to beingness, or consciousness, there was no mind, no ego, no intellect. The question of thoughts never arises. The question of existence never arises. We feel existence because of the body form, but who is acting from the body? Who is listening from the body? Who does activities from the body? The invisible Presence called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Ultimate Truth, That you are. It is not having any experience. It is Final Truth.

So though you are living with this body, human form, you will get spontaneous Conviction. What is the Conviction? That “My role in this world is not the doer, no deed is there, I am nothing”. Everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing. So what you feel, what you experience “I am something”, that will dissolve. So the concept of body form is supposed to be dissolved. It is not your Ultimate Truth. The Presence within the body, through which you are acting and you are doing all these things, is spontaneous Presence, which is called Brahman, Atman, That you are. It is just like space or sky. So there is always the question, “After death, what happens to the body, what happens to the Spirit?” You know that death means leaving the body. As a matter of fact, there is no death and there is no birth. But these questions are there always because you see everything. Death and birth are connected with the body only.

Suppose in a dream, you see your body die, just imagine. Who is seeing that body die? Or somebody dies. After awakening, that man is there. When you see a dead in dream, after awakening that man is there. So what is true? The Presence of that man or being in this world is true? Or is his death in the dream true? Question yourself. You will get all answers from you. Your Spirit is exceptionally powerful. You are unaware of your power. You are unaware of the tremendous energy within you. Not to beg for any blessing from anyone else. Not to go here or there in search of Masters. Master is not separate from you. You are a Master. My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj says: “I am not making you disciples, I am making you Masters”. Bodies are different, forms are different, but Masterly Essence, Ultimate Truth, is not different. Just like I am always mentioning, countries are different, houses are different, but the sky within the house is one and the same. Likewise, the invisible Listener within you and the invisible speaker within this body are one and the same. Which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, That you are. But you are not accepting this truth because of long association with the body form. You are protecting so many concepts. We have developed so many concepts. Through meditation, all body- based concepts are supposed to be discarded. It is true. As in a dream, you see somebody doing a good or a bad thing. After awakening, you have nothing to do with that experience. So whatever experience you are having in a dream, after awakening all experience disappears. So this present life is just like a dream, a long dream. So like that you have to convince yourself because you are your own Master. You are the architect of your own life.

So don’t encourage body-based questions. Mind is always asking “Why this, why that? Question yourself. What is true? The illusionary world and all experiences? False. In this illusionary world, all questions are body-based questions. Nothing has happened. In a dream, you are seeing and experiencing so many things. Are you asking “Why this thing, why that thing?” It is a dream! It is false! It cannot be true. Similarly, the present life is not true. As long as Presence in the body is there, you feel it is true. After leaving the body, what happens? No question is there. So just like nothing remains when the dream disappears, similarly, after this dream disappears, nothing remains. Where does it go? Body is burned or buried. Are there any problems for the dead body? Because you are holder of the body. Does sky die or take birth? Does sky take birth or does sky die? Just like the sky is not having death and birth, similarly your Presence is not having death and birth. You are unborn, you are formless. That Conviction is supposed to appear. It is not impossible, but in the beginning, follow the instructions of the Masters and strictly administer their meditation. Do the meditation. Unless you undergo the discipline of meditation, your foundation will be weak. Your foundation will be weak and all your building will be weak. It is very simple knowledge, for which you are not to do anything, you are not to spend a single penny. No garland is required. No rituals are required. In India so many rituals are there: “Do this pranam, do that pranam”. Why? When you entered this world, did you have to do any pranam? Have you taken any name? “Ram Ram Ram Ram?” When did you come to Ram? When the Spirit entered the body, you started knowing “This is Ram”. All this is ok, I am not criticizing this. It is faith. These names are having faith. Question yourself.

In a dream, there are so many gods and goddesses, where are the gods and goddesses after awakening? Where have they gone? You see so many people. After awakening what happened to them? Have they gone to hell or heaven? Nothing is there. Therefore everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves within nothing. That you have to know: your invisible Presence is the Reality. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master is not separate from you. I am shouting all the time. But still some crazy mind creates so many questions “Why this, why that?” Some people say “Oh I have got depression, why this thing?” There was once a question asked by somebody “When I am doing meditation, I forget everything, but on awakening my mind is playing and I get depression”. This is a game of your mind. So your happiness in this world is also false and depression is also false. Depression, happiness, blissfulness, appears on your Presence. Your Presence is subtle. Does sky have depression? “Oh this Indian sky has got depression” or “Nasik sky has got depression”.

So you will get all answers from your side. Ask questions to yourself, make it answer. In the beginning, you will not get answers, but after hammering, just like the criminal in the police station, the criminal says “I have not done anything, I’m innocent, I’m innocent”. They are torturing him and then he says “Yes, I am guilty”. Similarly, with the Nama Mantra meditation, you are torturing yourself: “You are Brahman, you are a liar, you are Brahman”. And after continuous torturing and hammering: “Oh I am that!”. And then all answers, all replies you will get from inside. You are not required to go anywhere to solve your questions, all questions will be solved within you. For which, in the beginning, you are to undergo the discipline of meditation. Make it talk! Just like the police officer taking answer from the criminals, he did not reply, he tried to divert the mind. But after continuous torture, you will place before you all evidence: “Yes I am Brahman”. So after hammering yourself “I am Brahman, Brahman I am” or “Soham”, Ultimate Truth, Entire truth will be opened from you. You will be surprised: very difficult questions will be solved within you and you will not have to go anywhere.

Not to change any Masters. People are changing this Master, that Master, that Master, that Master. It is meaningless, you are wasting your time because you are not giving importance to your own Master within you. Master is not separate from you. Take the answer from your own Master, which exists in your human form. The holder of the human form is the Master. It is not having specific identity, so not to guess, not to imagine. Try to convince yourself. In the beginning you have got duality, but I am always advising not to make comparative study of the various Masters. Many times there are questions of whether this Master is realized or not: “Is that Master realized?” How are you concerned with who is realized or not realized? You are not concerned. Talk about yourself, whether you are realized or not! Some people compare “Why is Ramana Maharshi like this, why does this Master says like this?” How are you concerned? You are not analyzer. You are not to make comparative study. It is a waste of time. So instead of wasting such time, make yourself invincible, powerful, and get answers from you. You are fine, you are the central point of this world. Don’t ignore it. It is fact I am placing before you. So you need not to question. Why questions are there? All questions are related to form, they are basically rooted through mind. And mind, ego and intellect, it is itself an illusion. They are functioning organs. Your entire body functions through mind, ego and intellect. Who is supplying power to them? That you are. You are supplying electricity, you are supplying power. Survival of mind, ego and intellect in this form is because of you only. How were you prior to beingness? Unknown. After leaving body? Unknown. That means unknown dissolves in unknown. What you feel as known is because of this body only. Basically you are unknown to yourself. After leaving body, you are unknown. So unknown came into existence in body form and after leaving body, unknown will dissolve into unknown. In between you are posing “I am somebody else”. You are not somebody, you are everybody. You are everywhere. Just like space or sky. So be with you, it is not impossible.

Don’t waste your time going here or there. People are coming here “Oh I will go this way and that way”. Why to roam here or there? Not to go anywhere. You may visit it no problem, but not for spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is always within you. Don’t underestimate you. You do not know your greatness. Greatness is always with you. So we have created language, to convince with various words. Language is not important. Try to identify and understand the meaning of those words. We have created words, “Spirituality”, “Brahman”, “Atman”, “Maya” and so on and so forth. So instead of analyzing the words try to understand. What is the message out of those words? What is the message given by various Masters through their spiritual statements? And where do you stand in that message? That is most important. Question yourself, get answers from yourself. You will make yourself get answers for all the questions. See the fun. And then you will find so many complicated questions solved within you, you will make the Spirit talk just like the police officer made the criminal talk. So likewise, with meditation, with hammering, you will force your Selfless Self to talk and answer all questions. In the beginning, there is duality, it is a deliberate act. But you are to do it until you get spontaneous conviction. Then everything is easy.

Even if you think intellectually, logically, what is in this body? Just sit quiet and calm. What is in the body? Nothing. Just glimpses of ‘I’. Just glimpses of ‘I’. This body form is not going to remain constant. It is having a time limit, age limit etc. So what is appearing on your Presence, good thing, bad thing, don’t give so much importance. Sometime you feel some depression, some unpleasant atmosphere, it happens because you are holding body. The body belongs to the five elements. When there is an imbalance in the five elements, you feel it. I am suffering from a cold. Some weakness in this body form is there. So that you have to understand. So body concept, body feeling is not constant. Different atmospheres, different things are there. Just like seasonal things. Clouds are coming, clouds are going, you are there and there only. Like that, you are to convince yourself. Therefore, the first basic thing: you have to undergo the discipline of the meditation. Hammering yourSelf all the time. Recite Mantra non-stop. For which you are not to spend anything. There should not be any attraction of anybody else: “if I go to that Master, I will get different knowledge”. It is not necessary to go to any Masters. For what? That will only add confusion.

My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj has given a good message to all the devotees: “After knowing the Reality, after having Conviction, not to go anywhere or come across any elements which will distract you from Reality”. Because somebody else may not be knowing the Reality, and he will try to impress his own thoughts, his own concepts? His mind will create confusion and your faith will be damaged. Don’t do that. This is a red signal. So have alertness. There should not be any attachment because attachment with someone else’s thoughts will create problems for you. So all your effort will be ruined. So be cautious. I’m not against anybody else, but now you have got realistic knowledge. Basically except your Selfless Self, there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, Paramatman. What more do you want? If you go anywhere they will say “Do this thing, do that thing”. Why? Because you are not doer! Some people think past life, future life. There is no life at all. You have not done anything bad. Suppose you have done bad. In a dream are you thinking “Oh, I have done a bad thing”? How can it be a bad dream or good dream? Likewise, this is also a dream, a long dream. You are basically not doer, there is no deed. There is no experience, no experiencer. No witness, no witnesser. After leaving body, what experience is there? Prior to beingness, any experience is there? Any questions are there? Prior to beingness, no question was there. The moment that Spirit clicked with the body, all questions, all concepts started, all attachment started. So all these problems are to be solved and you can do it, you have that capacity. So be alert. I have tried my level best to convince you, to invite the attention of the invisible Listener.

So be strong, have some courage to accept the Reality. Ok. So what you have recorded you will display, it may be useful for beginners and all the devotees. The recording should be typed also, it will be helpful to everybody. Those who are not present here, they can see it in book form. I am insisting for book form because if book form is available, they will continuously read the book and that will lead to making them more and more strong spiritually. After listening to this, you are to make yourself very strong in spirituality. Not to hurt anybody’s feelings. Not to compare. Not to hurt anybody’s heart. Not to struggle with anybody else. There should not be ego “Oh I have got a lot of knowledge, I am a spiritual master”. Not like that. No comparative study. Sometimes there is temptation “Oh, I have got good knowledge, I am a great master”. Not like that. Everybody is a Master. Not to count yourself as an individual. Therefore the Reality of your formless Self, you are to accept it. Because you are not accepting the Reality, therefore all confusion starts, all illusion starts. So be strong. Again I am repeating: this human body is an opportunity for you. Don’t waste your time. Do your job, do your duties, take care of your health, take care of everything, but not to neglect It. If you take It lightly, casually, then you will be a victim of your own desires. So this will be the last terminal. No birth, no death, nothing is there. So be strong spiritually strong. Ok?

Sri Ramakant Maharaj

Nothing Has Happened, Nothing Is Going To Happen

Nothing has happened, nothing is going to happen, the entire world is an illusory world, even God is an illusory God, so do not trace – because the moment the Spirit touched with the body, the world is projected, and the moment the Spirit leaves the body the world will disappear.” So, any knowledge is also illusion. Spiritual knowledge is also illusion. The Naam Mantra is also illusion, but to discard all illusions, you have to take the help of the Naam Mantra.

The Naam Mantra is having good value, as I told you, because that Spirit is very sensitive. The moment the Spirit touched with the body, you started saying “I am somebody else, I am man, or I am a woman… something… something” You got some position and along with that moment, instantly, you have seen the entire world and so many concepts engraved upon you – through parents, through society members, through so many sources. And within that circle, you are posing as something and then you’re trying to live within that illusory concept and then life is painful and not tolerable.

So, in that case somebody told you God is there, and that He is taking care of all human beings etc. But that identification is not true identification because the body is not your identity at all, as I told you several times. The holder of the body is Ultimate Truth that is called Brahman, Atman Paramatman, God, Master. That You Are! But you are neglecting your Self, you are measuring, you are counting yourself in body form. This is a dead body. Body does not have any identity. You were a small child, then you become a young man and now an old man. These are the stages of the body. Similarly mind, ego, and intellect are functioning organs of this body – subtle organs. So to come out of all this vicious circle you have to undergo the meditation and Naam Mantra. Naam Mantra is the words given to the meaning “I am Brahman – Brahman I am.” And that is why the Naam Mantra is required, because your Spirit is very sensitive and what you impress it reflects. Considering that fact, considering that point, the Naam Mantra is given, because your original identity is Brahman, you – your Self is Brahman. Brahman is not separate from you. Ultimate Truth is not separate from you. So, though you are holding the body and acting according to body, your existence is totally separate from the body. And God is also a concept developed in human life just to have some trust. “God is great – oh! God bless me!” OK – it’s OK – it’s just temporary relief. But God is not separate from you! If there is no Presence who can identify your God? To say God your Presence is required.

So, your Spontaneous Invisible Presence is most important, to have this conviction you have to undergo strictly meditation and reciting the Mantra is most important. Through reciting the Mantra and meditation you’re impressing yourself “I am Brahman! I am Brahman! I am Brahman!” Non-stop – concentrating or hammering yourself, once, one time, so that “I am That!” – that spontaneous experience will appear within you and then there will be peacefulness. Why are these worries there? Why a painful life is? Because directly or indirectly we are considering ourselves as body form and body form is not your identity at all! You are basically formless; no form is there! It’s an open fact: prior to beingness or prior to one hundred years ago you were not having any form – you were totally unknown to you. Now you are known to you because of this body, the moment the body disappears, the unknown dissolves in unknown, so no identity remains! Where will be painfulness be? Who, then, wants peacefulness who, then, wants a tension-free life? Who, then, wants a fearless life? Because body knowledge is not tolerable, therefore, all these requirements are there. Why the Master is required? Because you forgot your identity and to have this conviction you have to undergo strictly meditation. Simply reading books and listening to and approaching various Masters – so many Masters! – will just be dry spirituality.

Be practical! Don’t leave your job, do your duties, take care of your family members, live like a good human, but at the same time try to identify! This human body is an opportunity, a golden opportunity, to identify yourself in a real sense, so don’t neglect it. Do your job, do your duties, don’t neglect your family members, but at the same time, don’t lose this as an opportunity, and have firm courage to accept this reality. This open fact that is being placed before you, because the body identity is not going to remain constant, so be brave and have courage! Yes! So That I!

Calamities will be there, depression maybe be there, but it will be temporary, not permanent. Don’t become a victim of your own psychology. “Oh, what will happen?” Nothing will be happening! Nothing has been happening, and nothing is going to happen because you are not the doer there is no deed! Your Presence is just like a space or sky, sky does not know that “I am the sky,” the sky is not having any family members, the sky is having any wife, father and mother. No! So, you’re subtler than sky because you can identify the sky! Today you may not believe it, but it is a fact – a naked fact – an open fact – so don’t neglect yourself! You do not know your importance, you have got high importance, your presence is Invaluable Presence. All greatness is there but you are neglecting it! You are underestimating yourself! “Oh, how will this happen?” You are not to depend, because you are totally independent, not dependent! “Oh God bless me!” Not even the Master is required; the Master is required only because you forgot your identity. Your Spontaneous Presence is itself the Master! Your Spontaneous Invisible Presence within this body is itself is the Master! I am placing before you this open fact, so don’t torture yourself. Be brave. Things are coming and going. It may be a bad thing it may be a good thing; forget it! Do not give it so much importance. Find out the way how to come out from all these illusionary circumstances. To make your life bearable! To make the human life bearable you have to identify yourself. You do need not to go anywhere or you will yourself be misguided. To find yourself why would you need to go here or there? No need of any Master is required! Try to please your own Master within you! The Finder Itself is the Master. For which you read some books of course, “Selfless Self,” “I am That,” some books from Ramana Maharshi and other really good books helpful for spiritual information, spiritual identity, for conviction. Because lack of confidence is causing you spiritual illness, so be brave, try to stabilize – within your Selfless Self – any lack of confidence, lack of will power, underestimating yourself. These are discrepancies. Instead, create some confidence: “I can do it!” Confidence is most important. In human life you are not to achieve anything. You are to discard everything. “I am not body – I was not body – I am not going to be body.” So, whatever problems are there are related to the body only, whatever allegations are there relate to the body only, and not to You.

With the result you will find forgive and forget-ness – anything happens in your life you forgive and forget. Tolerance will be there. It’s most important. Why your peacefulness is disturbed? Because directly or indirectly, you’re posing yourself: “I am somebody else,” the ego says, “and, oh, he is disturbing me, he is attacking me by words.” But whatever Presence is within this body is the Presence everywhere; from the Speaker from this body to the Listener there is no difference! Accept this reality! You must have courage to accept the Reality. No past life. No future life. No hell. No heaven. Because you are not doer, there is no deed! Some people say because of past bad deeds, you have taken the birth – they say these things, but nothing is there! The child is not born – yet you’re talking about the fate of the child! This is the challenge to accept the reality – not to be a coward! “Oh, what will happen?” “Oh, they will do something.” You’re not helpless! Yes! I can do it! Have some courage! Age is no factor. “Oh, I am an old man – what will happen to me?”

Spirit does not have any age factor, is the sky a hundred years old or two hundred years old? Sky does not have any age factor. So, your Presence does not have any age, any age factor is connected to the body only – a very simple thing and for which again I am repeating your involvement is most important. You have to undergo strictly meditation, devote some time for your Self, at least one hour … two hours … three hours.

Those days, all these saints were devoting about ten hours, but nowadays it is not possible, but at least for one or two hours devote for some time.
For You only it is needed. Then it is not necessary. But in the beginning, it is needed. Your mind will rebel against you not allowing you peacefulness. But be confidant! “Yes, I have to do it!”

Mind, ego, intellect is in existence because of this body only! There is no mind, no ego, no intellect. Prior to beingness, where are they? Nothing. After leaving body, what about the mind, ego, intellect? MY mind? MY ego? MY intellect? Why?

Everything comes out of nothingness and everything dissolves within nothingness. So courage is most important, spiritual courage not egoistic courage. “I can do it,” the master says, “I am Brahman; I am Brahman!” When somebody says you are a donkey you’re immediately slapping him, correct? Because you accepted the donkey. But the master says, “You are not a donkey or monkey… you are Brahman!” Why don’t you accept it? As if you are accepting donkey and slapping somebody else, assaulting somebody else, like that, my Master says Yes, I Am Brahman, I have to take revenge, yes I am Brahman.

Nothing is impossible. Napoleon said “Impossible is a word in dictionary of a fool” you know? “Impossible” is a word in dictionary of a fool.” You are not a fool. Nothing is impossible. Be brave! It’s a very simple thing, not do anything that you are to do it. Because you are not doer there is no deed.
You are unnecessary carrying the burden of your human life. But beyond human life is peaceful, tension-free, the only source, you have to identify your Self “Who am I?” You are neither man nor woman you are Brahman, Ultimate Truth, and the Ultimate Truth is not separate from you. So be realized! Make others realized! Yes – why not?

V: Maharaj, there are challenges, so how can I stay with the sense that my real identity is Selfless Self?

M: Yes, correct.

V: That’s with the sense I stay, that whatever comes, comes.

M: OK, forget it! Winter is coming; Autumn is coming, these are seasons, Summer is there. Autumn is there. Winter is there. They are coming and going, you are there and there only. Be firm. So, nobody dares to attack you. I tell you: no calamities, no unpleasant atmosphere will attack you if you will be strong enough inside. If you are mentally weak, physically weak, spiritually weak, then everything will take possession of your body. Not to allow mind, ego, intellect, which previously you were slave of, now you are holder of your mind! I can dictate terms. Mind is nothing; its a flow of thoughts! So lack of courage – spiritual courage -is creating problem for you. Doubts are there, but why doubts are there? What is doubts? Where are the doubts prior to beingness? After leaving the body, any doubts are there?

V: How do we make our mind still like that?

M: Mind is a flow of thoughts, you’re recognizing what is going on! During the mind, bad thoughts are coming, and good thoughts are coming; you are identifying bad thoughts and good thoughts. You are discriminating bad thoughts and good thoughts. Let bad thoughts come. Let good thoughts come. The thoughts which are useful for your routine life you can accept it.

Q: But it is projected as if, you know, a lot of times now I’ve come here, right? And long before I found you and Nisargadatta’s book, I went to Tiruvannamalai. But since I met you I do not go there at all. Still, some people are still saying “Oh …”

M: Forget about others you have to make your own decision! You are a master of your own! Forget about others, forget about mind.

V: I am not concerned with them.

M: Of course, you remain unconcerned with the world. Not concerned with human beings, not concerned with the world, because the world itself is illusion. The world is projected out of your Invisible Presence, if the Presence is not there who will talk about the world and who will talk about the man or woman? Who will talk about the human life and beingness? The moment the spirit clicked with the body you see the world: “Oh I am that” and from that moment you started measuring yourself by body form, but body form is not your identity at all. Be brave…. nothing is impossible…. start doing meditation! It’s most important! It will give you a lot of courage – a lot of energy, meditation is not only simply words; it’s creating a vibration inside, creating energy within you, spiritual energy, to accept the Reality, and then thereafter it will be spontaneous. You will need not to go to sit for special meditation. It will be spontaneous meditation! Wherever you go it will be there! In the beginning we are advising that you sit for meditation like this like this etc. But thereafter it will not be necessary. Just like when you are learning some language – any language – you do “A – B- C- D…” like that, but now you are master of this language. You need not need to go say “A – B- C- D.” Similarly, we are asking you to sit for meditation in the beginning only, thereafter there are no rules and regulations.OK! Enough for you; short and sweet!

V: Strong!

M: Yes! Have you broadcasted this?

V: Yes.

M: Good good! So be enlightened and make others enlightened! Be realized, make others realized! Siddharameshwar Maharaj says if you realized share the knowledge, make others realized! Any question for you?

V: Self enquiry is different?

M: Forget about enquiry! No enquiry is there! It is for in the beginning “Who am I?” You’re not the body, you were not body, you’re not going to remain body. Self-enquiry: “Who am i? If I am not body who am I?” It’s called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master that you are! It’s an open fact that the body is not your identity at all! The body was not your identity! The body is not going to remain your identity. After self-enquiry you will find out the reality!
Why is self-enquiry required? To find out the reality “Who am I?” The main question is: “If I am not body then who am I?” You say “Brahman, Atman, Paramatman.” So, what is that Brahman? How that Brahman is? It cannot be imagined. It is beyond imagination, beyond any inferences, because it is Spontaneous Existence, where there is no experience and no experiencer, no witness and no witnesser. In Spontaneous Existence there is no experience and no experiencer, no witness no witnesser! No identity is there. It is called nothingness. So, everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves within nothing. What is enquiry? The child which is not born, we are talking about the fate of that child. It’s ok in the beginning. You have to self-enquiry. It is required. Self-enquiry – self-knowledge – self-realization – these are three stages. In spiritual life there are three stages: self-enquiry – because we forgot our identity, we are not knowing our self; we are not knowing anything about spirituality – we are not knowing anything about anything… we are told God is there and God is great is there. Find out, because all knowledge is within you only. Knowledge is not separate from you. Your Spontaneous Invisible Existence is itself a sign of knowledge: Reality – Ultimate Truth final truth. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master – all these names are given. You are almighty God, God is not separate from you. So, stop measuring yourself in body form, it’s an open fact that you were not the body – you are not the body – you are not going to remain the body. All concepts came along with the body, all requirements, all needs came along with the body. Who needs peacefulness? Who needs happiness? Who wants a tension-free life? Who wants a fearless life? Because body is not tolerable.

V: When I meditate like this a lot of thoughts coming up in my mind.

M: Don’t stress your mind, not to give so much importance to your mind.

V: So, should I wait for these thoughts to stop?

M: In the beginning…You Listen to me! I will take care of you! Do not worry about it. Since you came here I will make you Perfect! Nisargadatta Maharaj says I am not making you a disciple, I am making you a Master. You came here as a devotee, but you will go afterwards as a Master! “Yes, I am Master!” My Master says I am a Master! Live like a Master! The Owner Of This World!

Sri Ramakant Maharaj

All Questions Are Rooted Through Body Form

Sri Ramakant Maharaj a recorded discussion from Ranjit Ashram in Nashik of Satsang with Sri Ramakant Maharaj October 22, 2017.

M: So, we’re having human life, holding human body, and in human body, the Presence, spirit, energy is there, through which we are identifying our self as “I”. The moment that spirit or Presence touches with the body, painful life started. That Presence has taken form, body form, as a man or woman, any being. Every being would like to have a peaceful life, a blissful life, but the physical body, food body, is not tolerable, particularly the human body, we’re experiencing our self, and the experience is as “I”. “I am body, I am form”. It is a little bit of a painful experience, it is not tolerable. To tolerate the human body form, we are trying to search for happiness, peacefulness, with material causes. Material causes mentioned are publicity, money, and sex. These are the main material sources to have a life that is peaceful or blissful. They are giving some temporary relief. Other than this, we are trying to have some spiritual sources. God, Goddesses, various Masters, and through various sources, praying to Gods, sitting for meditation, doing some physical activities, just like tapas, counting beads, and so many things. And there are so many Masters in this world; everybody is trying to convince, “Do this do that” so that you’ll get some blissfulness, some peacefulness. And in spite of doing all these activities, physical activities, we are not having any satisfaction, happiness, peacefulness, what you were expecting. We are getting temporary relief but not permanent relief, because always there is the fear of death. Always there is tension, no happiness, depression is there, nervousness is there. And because we are doing all activities through body knowledge, through body form, it creates some unwanted things. The result is a painful life. So how to find happiness, peacefulness, blissfulness? Spirituality teaches you how you can be successful, how you achieve real happiness, real peacefulness. And the first lesson is: you are holding the body and it is not your identity at all. It is a physical body, food body. So long as you are supplying food it is growing, the moment you stop supplying food and water, it will go away. So simple common sense is that the physical body, this form, is not permanent, it is having some limit, time limit, age limit. And who is holding the body? The holder of the body is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. This is bookish knowledge. What is the role of this Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master in my human life? That is the main question. And after knowing they’re Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, how will they get happiness? The second question. Such questions are appreciated. There are some people asking, “What is the color of Brahma? What is the color of Krishna?” These are not relevant how will they help you?

You should have knowledge that will help you at the time of leaving the body. Again, from childhood until today we are having a lot of concepts. Thousands of concepts. Concepts of parents, concepts of society, concepts of relatives, concepts of various sources. And now we are one with the concepts. We are trying to live within the circle of the concepts. So spiritual knowledge says, “Try to identify”. Prior to all these concepts, your Presence was there. It is just like space or sky. The Presence does not like all these illusory concepts. Your Presence does not know “I am Presence”. Prior to Beingness how were you? Invisible Presence, unidentified Presence, unidentified identity, where there is no experience, no experiencer, no witness, no witnesser. No “I” “you” “he” “she” or “it”. No concept of God or Goddesses, no needs, no requirements. These are the basics. Because of the human body we are having a lot of expectations. A lot of needs and requirements, to tolerate the human body, so how will all these requirements and needs help me. So, unless you identify that “me”, “I”, you will not get that blissfulness. Blissfulness is there, happiness is there. But, basically, try to understand, try to identify yourself. Who is acting with this body? When I say “I”, when I am talking with you, when I see the world? Who sees the world? Spiritual knowledge is trying to invite the attention of the invisible listener within you. Through which you are trying to identify the invisible Presence which is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. To whom it is not necessary for any blissfulness or peacefulness. Blissfulness, peacefulness, happiness, are required for the body form. Basically, you are formless. Since you are formless there is no birth, no death, nothing is there. No past birth, no future birth. Nothing is there.

You have to identify, you have to know, everything came out of nothing and everything dissolves into nothing. After leaving the body who wants happiness? Who wants peacefulness? What to do for all these things? That is another question. “Yes, I can understand, I am not, body I was not body, okay”. “Body knowledge is not tolerable this is also okay”, “How will I get peacefulness?” Inside this is burning inside. To have peacefulness, blissfulness, you are to remove all the garbage. Garbage is in the form of various concepts. You have to clean it! “How can I clean it?” Again, a question. To clean all this garbage since childhood until today, you have to undergo meditation. What do we mean by meditation? To whom should I meditate? Again, a question is there. Meditate on the invisible meditator within you. Who is expecting happiness? Who is expecting peacefulness? Who is expecting a fearless life? That invisible Presence is there, who has taken the form of a human body. Try to identify! Go deeper and deeper and deeper then you will forget your body identity. The moment you forget your body identity, at that time, spontaneous peacefulness
is there. Instead of considering “I am somebody else” that “somebody else” dissolves. I am not the body! Whatever painfulness is to the body and not to me. I am the holder of the body, so the body is not my identify. Because after leaving the body there is not any painfulness. Any fear is there? Prior to this Beingness or prior to consciousness no fear was there. No blissfulness was there. No requirement, no need, no experience. So, the unknown comes into the known through the body only. After knowing this secret of spiritual life, you will be totally free. Even if something happens to your body. You are having Conviction because the body is not your identity. So that incidence, that problem, will be bearable for you. It is painful, but you will think, “I am not the body at all”. It is temporary; so long as the body is there it is bound to happen (problems).

So the thing which is not tolerable prior to knowledge will become tolerable. So spontaneously blissfulness will be there. That pain you are having, that will be reduced. Just like my Master said, a simple example is given. Neighbors child is there, they are given to you. They are suffering from high temperature. You feel very sorry for that child. But at the same time, you are knowing: “This is the neighbors child not my child”. You feel it, high temperature, the child is crying, hmm? But at the same time, you are knowing: “This is not my child”. Similarly, this body is not your child. The body belongs to the five elements. There is suffering in this body but you are knowing “body is not my identity at all” just like this child is not mine. Suffering is there you, feel it. You feel sorry for it. But, at the same time, “It is not mine”. It is a five elements body. So, painfulness is there. As long as the body is there, a painful life is there, depression is there. So, then depression will be dissolved. Because you are considering this body is my identity. That body identity is supposed to be dissolved. It is a very simple thing. Spirituality is very simple. You know everything intellectually. You will be definitely realized. That Conviction is most important. “Yes, I am not body”. To have this Conviction, spiritual science is giving some methods, discipline, this is called meditation. Why is meditation required and what is the meditation? For meditation Naam Mantra is given, the meaning of Naam Mantra is “I am Brahman, Brahman I am”. It is called Soham Sadhana. According to breathing you are to recite the Mantra. With the result that out of that Mantra, some vibration will be created, and unwanted things will be removed and garbage will be cleaned. Why are we worried? Why is there no peacefulness? Because there is a lot of garbage inside, through mind, through ego, through intellect. So many things are there. So many concepts are there. Even though we are listening all the time every day it is not removed. Some questions are arising. Mind is pricking. Mind is creating so many problems. So, control your mind, control your ego, control your intellect.

As I have told you, mind ego and intellect are the functioning parts of the body, human body, food body. They were not in existence prior to Beingness, prior to consciousness. After consciousness they came into existence. It is part and parcel of these five elements. So how you are prior to Beingness or how you are prior to consciousness, that identity is supposed to be convinced, spontaneous Conviction is required. Then what is not tolerable will become tolerable. And for which I am insisting only reading is not sufficient, only listening is not sufficient. You have to have practical knowledge. Practice it. In the beginning I am telling you, for five months, six months, one year, you’ll feel “Oh it is a very prolonged thing”. Some, say, dislike, mind is rebelling against you, “What to do?” laziness will be there, nervousness will be there, but do it! That is the only remedy. In human life, to control mind ego intellect and to have realistic peacefulness, there is not any alternative to meditation. Only meditation can remove all the garbage. So in the
beginning you may feel “Oh…”. Meditation is not sitting like this. Always remember the words. Mantra. The Mantra is always hammering you “You are Brahman you are Brahman you are Brahman”. Twenty-four hours you are hammering. Even if you are in deep sleep the Mantra is going on inside. You’ll feel it. After awakening in the morning, in the early morning, you’ll feel the Mantra is going on inside. That oneness is supposed to be there. The Mantra is supposed to become one part and parcel of your food body. With continuous hammering all the garbage will become clean. And then reflection will be there. Suppose this mirror is full of dirt. So, you have to clean it then you will see your face. Correct? Similarly, with the mirror, transparency is there, but it is covered with so many concepts, so much garbage. So, you have to remove it, for the purpose of removing, meditation is there. After having meditation, after having Conviction, after removing all these things, you can just casually do it. But, until that time you have to do it there is not any other source. Okay? Any questions?

Q: Yes, question is there. “Maharaj yesterday you told me that it was a matter of being detached and identifying with the Self, that is why it was important to meditate. (M: Yes) During my meditation, it is a lot like contemplation and I find my body staring into the void as if melting into the landscape that has faded away. Is this normal, or is it but all meditation? Thank you, Maharaj.

M: It all is meditation, because there is some confusion started. So it is a cleaning process, a purification process. So, during meditation “I” is supposed to be dissolved. As long as you are noticing “I”, experiencing “I”, all these experiences will be there. Where all experience disappears there, you are. It is all processing, when you are doing meditation, some experience appears, good experience, bad experience, depression, nervousness, laziness. You have to go through all these things. But, silently, permanently and slowly, everything will be dissolved. As I have told you, you are to remove all the garbage, since childhood until today, so many concepts are there, taking possession of our body. Therefore, you have to remove it. It is a deliberate act, but to have the deliberate act, you have to undergo the meditation. So, meditation is the base. Whatever you are experiencing inside, then after you will experience something else. You’ll feel exceptional peacefulness. You’ll feel “I am different from body”. You’ll feel as if you are flying in the air, without weight. A lot of experiences appear, when you become thinner and thinner and thinner. You’ll feel so much blissfulness, exceptional happiness which cannot be described with any words. So continue with the meditation, continue reciting the Mantra, and then you’ll see the fun. All experiences will appear within you. Don’t rely upon me but I am telling of the experience that can happen from you. Because you are the central point of this world. The entire world is projected from you. The world does not have it is own identity. The world is the seer’s reflection. In the morning, when you are awakening, you immediately see the world. If there is no awakening in the morning, everything is gone. Hmm? So Kabir says “Consciousness disappears, the entire world disappears”. So no “I”, no “You”, no Bhagavann, no Master, nothing is there. Master is there, God is there, “I am” is there, “You” are there, as long as you have got consciousness. The moment the consciousness disappears, where is the “I”? Where is the Brahman, where is the Atman, where is the Master, where is the disciple? Nothing is there. Prior to consciousness what is there? All questions are rooted through body form, and you are not body at all. So basically, try to have that Conviction that how you were prior to consciousness, how you were prior to Beingness, where there is nothing.

We’re talking about something because we are holding body, we have a lot of attachment with the body. That attachment with the body is supposed to be dissolved. And I am saying not to neglect your body, but try to convince yourself, it is an open fact. Even if you think about it intellectually. Body is not your identity at all. Body is having a time limit. So, continue with the meditation and you will feel so many things. Some or other day, you may feel you are talking, Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, is talking with you. Then all questions will be solved within you only. Just like I have given the example of Eklavya. It is a unique example in the Mahabharata, because Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, Master is not separate from you. Until that time, you are to undergo the meditation. Oneness is there, where there is no “I”, there is no knower, no experience of Master and no experience of Brahman. Where everything disappears there, you are. Where everything disappears there, you are. But that is unknown. No experience is there. No experiencer is there. No witness is there, no witnesser is there. Body based “I” is supposed to be dissolved, to disappear. How are you prior to consciousness, prior to Beingness, how are you after leaving the body? Just imagine, forget it. Just imagine. After leaving body who remains? What experiencer remains? Do you know any God? Any Master? Any disciple? Any devotee? Nothing is there. As long as you are holding body all experiences are there. And to have this Conviction “I was not body, I am not body, I am not going to remain body.” “Body is not my identity, body was not my identity, body is not going to remain my identity” so far since “I am not doer at all!” There is no past, no future, no past birth or future birth. Why take up ego for this present life? Okay you can apply it for life happily. Just like a dream, this is a long dream. In the dream when you come to know this is a dream then you are laughing, “Oh, it is a dream!”. You are acting freely. Hmm? Any question?

Q: Yes. “Dear Guru, when I close my eyes there is someone looking at the black space. Should I focus on the seer while reciting the Mantra?

M: Yes, you can do it in the beginning. The seer is not separate from you. You are the seer and you are the meditator. You are the meditator and you are the seer. These are not separate. Oneness is required. What you see, what you are experiencing is out of your Presence only. When the seer disappears, nothing will be there. So, continue with the meditation, continue with the Mantra, and see the miracles happen within you. Okay.

Sri Ramakant Maharaj

Listen Again and Again

What happens, see, one thing is basic thing: we are holding human form. The moment the Spirit, Presence touched with the body, we started knowing our self “I am male or female”, correct? As a matter of fact, male and female, or any form is not your identity at all, very basic thing. Can you follow me? This form is not our identity at all, who is holding this body? It is called Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, these are names given, we are trying to identify. The Spirit which is holding this body has got a lot of experience. Through body we have a lot of experience, good experience, bad experience. Secondly, when the Spirit clicked with the body, touched with the body, we want some happiness, pleasure. We come across some pains also, pains which are not tolerable, body is not tolerable. Some wrong feelings are there. Psychological problems are there. Physical problems are there. Mental problems are there, so many problems are there.

The moment we came across with body form, problems start. And what do we want exactly? Why are we doing spirituality? Why we want Master? Why is meditation required? Because we are not happy, no peacefulness inside. Everything is there, but basic thing, our basic need is peacefulness. And for which we are searching here and there. We are searching Masters, reading so many books and doing so many things, visiting temples, why? Because we are not having pleasure inside. We are having some pain, psychological pain, mental pain, so and so, and therefore you are wandering here and there.

But in our spirituality, we are focusing on the Invisible Listener within You is the root cause of this world. The central point of this world. We are inviting attention of that invisible Presence who is holding this body. Correct? That is your Ultimate Truth. Body is not your Ultimate Truth. A lot of theories are there. I am avoiding these theories: 5 elements, Maya, Brahman, and so many things are there. Theory is ok but theory will not serve your purpose: after reading theoretical knowledge, what help do you get? Nothing.

Who wants peacefulness? Who wants happiness? Who wants a fearless life? Who wants a tension free life? How will we get these? That is the problem. Only dry knowledge, dry spiritual knowledge, any rituals, any karmas will not give you happiness. A lot of people say “do this karma, do that karma”. Some rigorous exercise is given. Discipline is there, stand on one foot. So many things are there. We say not to do anything! Try to identify yourself. Because directly or indirectly, we are having impact, impression of body knowledge. We are doing everything! Even though we are doing meditation, but we are forgetting that meditator “I am somebody else meditating”. So many questions are asked: “how to find out ‘I am’, what is ‘I am’?”. There is no specific definition of ‘I am’. The term ‘I am’ came into existence the moment Spirit clicked with the body. Prior to that, no ‘I am’ was there, no ‘you are’ was there. No language is there. No experience is there. There is no experiencer also.

In brief, prior to Beingness, nothing was there. After leaving the body, what remains? Nothing is there. So, all requirements, needs and expectations came along with the body only. Because this food body is not tolerable. This is a food body. So far you are supplying food and water, it is growing. The moment you stop supplying food and water, it will go away. So, it is open fact, even if you think intellectually: body is not your identity at all, body was not your identity at all and body is not going to remain your identity at all. But through body, and through Presence or Spirit, we can identify our Self. Apparently, it appears in duality. But, sometimes we have to take the ego, duality is required. If I don’t exercise duality, I can’t talk with you a single word. As a matter of fact, there is no difference between you and me. Different bodies are there. The speaker within this body and listener within that body, are one and the same. It is formless. No form is there. That spontaneous Conviction is required.

The purpose of spirituality… we are not having Conviction therefore realization is not near about to us. What do we mean by “realization”? “Oh, he is realized, he is a realized Master”: he identified oneself in real sense. What identification is there? Body is not my identity at all. This form is not my identity at all. I am formless. There is no birth, no death to Me. No deed, no doer to Me. After knowing this, you can live your life normally. Just like in dream. If you come to know this is a dream, then you are free. In dream you see so many things: good things, bad things, you are enjoying your dream. But in that dream, if you come to know this is a dream, then you’ll enjoy that dream. Because you know this is a dream, it is not real, correct? Same thing: at present we are holding this body, this is a long dream. It is fact, this is not going to remain. This body is having time limit, age limit, stages. You’re a small child, then you turn young man or young woman, then you grow to old man or old woman. And one or other day, willingly or unwillingly, you have to leave this body. That means this form is not your real form. We are holding this body, but who is acting through body? That identification is most important. Unless you identify yourself in real sense, again there are chances of another dream. Now we don’t want any dream, so this is an opportunity. Human body is an opportunity to find out yourself, to identify yourself.

We are having a lot of questions. So many questions are asked. Because these questions are coming through body only. Because some or other way, body establishment, body identity is there. When you come to know “body is not my identity at all”, no question is there. You are Final Truth. Brahman, Atman, God, Master, names are given to You, not to this body, the Invisible Listener within You.

This is the brief of spirituality. So, dry knowledge, dry discussion will not help you. Intellectually we understand everything. But, in practice, Conviction is required. Theoretically we are knowing “I am Brahman”. Because so many books are there, they are inviting attention that: Except your Selfless Self, there is no Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God. It is fact. But, in spite of that, we are having some attachment with the body. A lot of attachment with the body. Suppose anybody hurts you with any words, you feel “oh he insulted me”, it happens. Suppose, any person, he hurts you by any words, bad words, you feel “I am insulted”. Because you are not expecting those words from others. That means there is some impact of the body.

Directly or indirectly, we are living with mind ego intellect. Mind ego intellect came along with the body, they are functioning authority, functioning organs. So, unless you overcome the mind, ego, intellect, unless there is confirmation “I am not body”. Until that time, you feel so many things. You will feel insulted, depression maybe there, non-peacefulness maybe there, so many problems are bound to be there.

So, to overcome all these things, some method is there, some discipline is there. What discipline? You have to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation is the base, the foundation of spirituality. You need not, nor are required, to do anything. Meditation means concentration, concentration on the concentrator. In this body, invisible concentrator is there. In this body, invisible listener is there. Body is not listening. If there is no Presence within the body, who will listen? So, that Presence, Invisible Presence, within this body, it is called Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, that You Are. But you are not accepting it! Again, and again, mind is playing, creating some questions, not allowing to stabilize. We are unstable because mind is playing along. Mind is very crazy. Mind, what is mind? Manufacturer of thoughts, in your dream also. So, mind is one of the parts of this body, it is not you.

Mind, ego, intellect appear upon your Presence. You are supplying energy to the mind, ego, intellect. So, try to identify yourself. The basic principle of spirituality is: try to identify your Self in real sense. Though we are knowing everything about spirituality, but we are not having Conviction. To have Conviction “I am not body, I was not body, I am not going to remain body” – you have to undergo strictly meditation IN THE BEGINNING, underlined. Because that is the only way to have Conviction, that’s the only way to have realization. I am telling you meditation is also illusion. We are giving some words – “Aham Brahmasmi”, “Soham”, so many words are there. Through those words, you are hammering your Self – “You are Brahman”. Because you forgot your identity. In spite of knowing this, our mind is not allowing us to stabilize, creating some problems. There are so many questions asked “oh, my mind is doing this thing, I am not stable, some problems are there, physical problems”, because you are giving more importance to your mind.

To control your mind, to control the intellect and ego, you have to undergo strictly meditation. I am not doing any miracles. Miracles happen from you because you are miraculous source. Source of miracles starts from you. Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master, is not separate from you. I am again and again repeating the same thing. Only thing, what I am telling you, you are to accept it. What is my advice for you? We are inviting attention: Except your Selfless Self there is no God, no Brahman, no Atman, no Paramatman, no Master. You are Master. My Master Nisargadatta Maharaj says: “I am not making you disciple, I am making you Master” because you are already Master. But, you forgot your identity. You are missing yourself, trying to find out outside.

Go to this Master, that Master, that Master, read so many books…. No happiness. So, everything starts from You, everything ends within You. You are the source of this world. Your Presence is subtler than sky, space. Nothing was there prior to Beingness, nothing will be after leaving this body. Everything came out of nothing, everything dissolves within nothing, it is fact. But, we are not accepting that fact. Still we are having some ideas, some concepts, still some temptation to go here and there. Why to go here and there to find out yourself? You are there and there only.
You are not to go anywhere to find out Brahman, Atman, Paramatman, God, Master. It is a waste of time. Settle with your Selfless Self. You are the central point of this world. Entire world is projected out of your Presence. I am placing before You fact, your facts, listener’s fact. Listener has tremendous capacity, tremendous energy, you are not using your energy. Still you are living just like a beggar “oh do something, do something, give me your blessing, have some blessing, oh god, bless me, bless me”. Why?

Have your own blessing. God is not separate from you. Master is not separate from you. Brahman is not separate from you. Atman is not separate from you. But the impact or impression of the body knowledge, that is supposed to be dissolved. It is a very simple thing. And how will it be dissolved? You follow instructions given by the Master. Don’t raise any question. Meditation is the base. When you ask about meditation to someone “oh, I am doing meditation but not stable, what to do?”. Follow it. Ok, immediately you can’t be Master of the language, you have to study it. When you are a student, ‘a, b, c, d’ like that. We don’t become master of language, we study ‘a, b, c, d’ first standard, second standard, third standard. Then you’ll be Master or PHD of all this, post-graduation, etc. At that time, you need not, nor are required, to say ‘a, b, c, d’. Similarly, meditation is ‘a, b, c, d’, beginning lesson, basic lesson. You have to go through strictly. I am telling you, in the beginning you will find some difficulty. Your mind will not allow you to steady, it will create problems.

Mind means flow of thoughts. It is very crazy, because mind is in commanding nature. Now, Master says “you be of commanding nature, don’t follow instruction of your mind, don’t be slave of your mind, have command, try to go against your mind”. If mind says, “do something”, “no I am not doing”. There are some children, parents ask “do something”, “no! I am not doing this”. Try to go against your mind, that is the basic thing. Directly or indirectly, we are a slave of mind. We are following, “oh my mind is not doing this, what to do Maharaj?” What to do? Instrument is given, power is given to you, you can use your full power. Not to depend upon your Master, I am not doing any miracles. “Bless me, put your hand on my head”, why? You can put your hand on your own head. Because there is no difference at all, I am placing before you Final Truth. I am not claiming ‘I am a great man, great Master or great philosopher’. This philosopher, spiritual man is already within you, but you are neglecting it. You are underestimating your Self, that is the tragedy, don’t do this. Because human body is a Golden Opportunity for you, if you neglect, if you take casually, again there is possibility to have another dream.

Now this is last terminal. No search, not to search anywhere. Searcher Itself Is Ultimate Truth! Why to go search here and there. No Master can do anything. Knowledge is also ignorance. What knowledge? Knowledge means just to identify yourself in real sense. We are not going to become great Masters, spiritual Masters. The purpose behind that: we want pleasure, happiness, peacefulness, blissfulness that is already within you. But we are giving so much importance to body-based concepts. Unless the body-based concepts dissolve, disappear, vanish, you will not get pleasure. Fear is there always, fear of death is there, “oh what will happen?”.

So, you can have commanding nature, you are not to take egoistic thoughts. You can do it, but you are lacking courage. To have that courage, you have to undergo strictly meditation. Meditation in the beginning, until you get Conviction. Then, again the question: how to meditate? In our lineage, we are giving some words, it is language. Those words are creating some vibrations. Those words are very powerful. Those words are having so much power, energy. People are not knowing the importance of the words. It is having tremendous importance. Therefore, we are asking not to disclose that Mantra to anybody else. But try to stand on your own feet, nothing is impossible. All these great Saintly people, Ramana Maharshi, so many Saintly people, what did they do? They followed the instruction of their Masters. They digested what they read and listened. You’re reading so many books, “oh, I Am That book, Ramana Maharshi, this book, that book”, only reading books is not important. Try to find out that Invisible Reader within You, whose story is that?

Invisible Reader within You, it is Ultimate Truth. I am pointing out that Reader, invisible Reader within you, not to the body. I am inviting attention of the invisible Listener within you, not to body, you are formless. Just to accept this Reality. And to accept this Reality, you must have courage, not to follow the instructions of the mind, ego, intellect. These are only the functioning organs of the body, it is not Ultimate Truth. Because, their existence came along with the body. If there is no existence of the Spirit within the body, who will talk about the mind, ego, intellect? Therefore, I am always advising all of you: try to identify yourself, convince yourself. Power is given to you, use your power. You have got tremendous power. Not to be beggar “oh do something fair to me”, why?

No doubt, you be humble, be normal, but not to have any expectation “do something for me”. Why? You can do it. So many things. Because your power is not limited to the body. You have got tremendous power. So, don’t consider yourself as a coward or something “oh what to do?” hmm? You can do it. So many things. So, therefore, first thing you have to follow the instructions of the Master and the discipline of meditation strictly. Then there won’t be any question, all questions will be solved within you.

All questions are related to the body only. Psychological questions, mental questions, “my mind is not…”, what do you mean ‘mind’? Because we are giving more importance to mind, ego, intellect. You can stop it, you can listen to the mind, not to follow instructions. So many people advising you, you just listen to it and forget it. Things which are useful for you, you can accept it, otherwise forget it.

Not to follow mind all the time. Mind means flow of thoughts. Thoughts are appearing in your mind and go to intellect to take decision and through ego it is implemented, it is a process. So, theory is important up to some extent, until you get realization. Not to depend upon theory. You need not go to do anything because you are not doer, there is no deed at all, Ok.

So just, what I told, you follow it. Listen again and again. Because in a nutshell, in brief, I have given the entire philosophy. You need not go anywhere, you can approach your own Master within you, not to go any Master. Master is not separate from you. I am again and again repeating the same thing, same principle is there. Only reading so many books, it is meaningless. Only collecting information, is not necessary. Not to go to any other Masters. Master is not separate from you. Respect the Masters, I am not asking to neglect Masters. Respect all the Saintly people, but at the same time, that Master is within you.

So, to know the Master, to identify God, your Presence is required. If there is no Presence in the body, who can identify God or Masters? So just to follow it, that’s enough. Some problems are there with my body, but I am trying my level best to convince those who are coming to me. Beyond that no spirituality is there. Ok?

Sri Ramakant Maharaj

Naam Mantra Meditation

The Guru liberates you. He initiates you by saying, ‘your true nature is like my own’. He gives you the mantra, not taking you as male or female, but as the consciousness that listens.

Chant your mantra. With faith in the one who has given you the mantra, your consciousness will become stronger. As a result, there will be no weakness in your actions. The greater the faith in the Guru, the earlier the success. If you take your Guru as a human being, your consciousness will harass you. One who follows this faithfully will enjoy liberation in this very body.

When consciousness realizes itself, it is called the grace of the Guru. One must be the proof of the Guru’s words. THE INITIATION WITH MANTRA ESTABLISHES A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GURU. Hence, you must have faith in the Guru. One could die anytime. Then how can he neglect the Guru’s words?

Silently repeat your mantra. Meditation should be on one’s own nature. Slowly the mind will become pure. The formless consciousness will be uncovered and your true nature will be understood.

If you remember what you have heard now, there is nothing in the world that can harm you. Why? It is because you have understood the meaning of the Self. The birthless one is never born. Still, consciousness is created. The impression of the body goes very deep; it is difficult to make it lighter. The remedy for this is the mantra given by the Guru and faith in the Guru.

The meaning of the mantra is your consciousness. You should make it known to you. While reciting the mantra, whatever you feel, let it be felt. It will go away. The import of the mantra is your beingness. In order to realize it, become more and more quiet.

When the mind-connection is severed you will see the void. To purify the mind one must remember the mantra all through the waking hours. Then your mind will come under your control. When you pay attention to your true nature the mind will disappear, bringing in the whole.


The mind gets modified and behavior changes with repetition of the mantra. The body serves as the food for this consciousness. The mind flows from prana, the vital force. When you realize all this, at the last moment you will clearly witness that you do not die but prana leaves the body. The enlightened person has no hopes, no desires and no passions.Therefore he has no death.

Chanting the mantra, meditation and bhajans (singing devotional songs) bring worthiness beyond imagination. If a great difficulty arises, worship the Guru with devotional songs and surely it will be warded off. Due to devotion to the Guru, one gets limitless power. The seed sown by the Sadguru has sprouted; it is the vital force, chaitanya incarnate. Remembering the mantra constantly is meditation.

When you ripen with the mantra that has been given to you, spiritual knowledge will start expressing itself. Such is its power. You will do nothing. The realization will talk through you. The power of the mantra will increase and it will be understood that the Guru-state is within you.

Your word is of the nature of God. Your speech will sprout with repetition of the mantra and your word will become God’s word. The Guru’s word is final. It does not change. This must be your conviction. It should be remembered constantly.

As your word becomes pure, knowledge will flow through it. The words flow out of your mind according to your worthiness. When you chant the mantra, the vital force takes shape according to the meaning of the mantra.

Your beliefs will give you relevant experiences. Keep reciting your mantra. It will enable you to understand your true identity. You will come to know that you are not the body. For Self-realization it is necessary that consciousness and the vital force be united. This happens by reciting the mantra. It has to be done with love and a sense of urgency. In fact it is the vital force that recites the mantra. A persistent commitment is needed. There is no part-time spiritual effort.

Continue repeating the mantra. Even without repeating, one must know that it is going on within. Ever since the body was born, this incantation has been going on.

You become attached with the known and, hence, you do not notice the knower. He is beyond consciousness. He is revealed by the recitation of the Guru-mantra.

People repeat God’s name in various ways, as they are taught. According to my experience if the mantra is recited with proper breathing, the mind becomes silent and samadhi ensues.

The Guru reveals to the disciple his own worthiness. He initiates the one who has surrendered. The meaning of the mantra is ‘I am Atman, I am not the body’. This is like the name giving ceremony for the newborn.

The name (mantra) given by the Guru is proof in itself of the Guru’s word. The name given by parents is a proof of death.

The more we seek Self-knowledge, the purer the mind will be. One should forget body-consciousness and keep the mind busy with the mantra. Focus attention on your true nature.

Remembering the mantra is necessary to destroy wrong thinking in the mind. After impurity drops off, consciousness will be clear like a jewel in the palm. After dismissing all words, the true nature, which is formless and nameless will become silent. When the mind is purified, consciousness is seen clearly. Consciousness means Sattva guna, which is self-sensing.

By virtue of meditation, the feeling ‘I am so-and-so is lost. To make meditation successful, be faithful to it. Concentrate on the Self with the energy of prana. When the energy is arrested, the consciousness becomes one with it and samadhi ensues. The knowledge received from the books has to be tested with one’s own experience.

To meditate on the Self is possible only with the grace of the Guru. Such meditation is unique, not commonly found in the world. The guru liberates you. He initiates you by saying: “Your true nature is like my own”. He gives you the mantra, not taking you as male or female, but as the consciousness that listens.

As it is difficult to meditate on your own consciousness, worship it as the Guru. You can think of the Guru as standing on your back, with light spreading all over. But you cannot imagine that you, yourself are standing behind you. The early stages of mediation require support of dualism. Your identity has no body-form. Everything will become clear when you realize that there exists nothing other than you.

Chanting the mantra, meditation and bhajans (singing devotional songs) bring worthiness beyond the imagination.


The world is vast, but you will realize through meditation that it dwells inside your atomic consciousness. It is love. If you want to go back to the Source, stop wandering, and go on meditating.

Meditate in such a way that you even forget that you are meditating. Truth will reveal itself when one forgets oneself. We are not what we know. We are prior to knowing. One who has understood this has no need to sit in meditation.

Meditation means holding onto consciousness. The consciousness that appears in the morning is the holy sight of God. Everything is known through consciousness. When the heart is pure, one says, ‘The Guru is the Self, He is everything’.

Meditate on how you were before the body-form. As long as what you see and feel affects you, you have not achieved knowledge of the Supreme Self.

Remembering our consciousness is meditation. It is the same as the feet of the Guru. It leads to Self-realization. That which realizes is the same as the holy feet of the Sadguru. Only through meditation will you realize how exactly you are. When consciousness becomes pure ignorance, it is called samadhi.

Excerpt from Meditations With Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

You chant the Mantra to forget yourself

You get used to your body and you love it. Hence, while meditating, if you experience being in a formless state, out of the body, you get scared. The word is Veda and equated to God by the name Vedonarayan. The Vedas are forms of the mind. Some utter the name of a Goddess, without knowing where She is.

The sudden appearance of the astral body is responsible for your sense of being. That body is hidden in the physical body. Its quality is the memory ‘you are’. Slowly, five types of knowledge appear from it.  Just as a child grows, the consciousness develops and grows up to the level of an incarnation. If the flow from it is good, it will go in the right direction.

In order to attain our original worthiness, the right background and attitude is needed. That is the purpose of all spiritual practices, which are recommended. By doing your mantra chanting, you reach up to the astral body. The space contains everything and outside is the pure unstained Self. Your birth is merely the appearance of ‘I am’. The property of the astral body juices is pure consciousness or our own true being. It should be observed and remembered accordingly. You did not notice the space prior to your birth. The space appears from the astral body itself and all other scenes follow thereafter.

The religious services are to clear the unwanted things and to propitiate the pure Self. One must worship and take care to maintain its progress. Thereby, you lose your body-identity, which means meeting Ishwara. That is to act as if there is no body. Just as sugar is sweet and the ocean salty, there is love in the body. There is memory because of the astral body. It is full of various scenes.

The disciple who considers God as greater than the Guru, cannot progress. Visiting a Sage is far better than going to a temple. Do you consider yourself to be a Sadhu any time? One who is immersed in devotion and goes to sleep, full of love for Self, is a Sadhu. One who leaves the state of an individual soul and merges into the original soul is a Mahatma, which means ‘a great soul’. The word is our main instrument. When you utter the name of God, that word becomes God. When you mention the name of a holy place, that word becomes holy. By repeating the mantra, it manifests through your speech. In due course, your word will be God’s word. The Guru’s word doesn’t change and there is no further appeal on it. You must be sure about the truth of the Guru’s words and remember them constantly. When your behaviour is as per your words, they gather more importance. Thereafter, the word becomes Vedonarayana. Never utter any word which will hurt anyone. The words of the ignorant have sharpness, which can hurt, but Sadguru’s words have the sharpness of Self-knowledge. If you understand the Sadguru properly, your words will have great importance. But your body-identity and certainty about death come in your way. When your words become pure, true knowledge will manifest through them. The thoughts and words that come in the mind are as per your worthiness. Due to constant remembrance of mantra, you will see visions as desired. It is the function of prana, which manifests in those forms. Just as the river Ganges purifies those who bathe in her waters, your words will have the power of clearing listeners’ troubles.

To turn dust into gold means to tell a mortal individual soul that it is immortal. This is the main purpose of the various religious services. One has to be very careful to live as per the spiritual advice. Do your activities in such a way that bad habits are minimized. Never imagine a body for the inner Atman, but remember It as body-less and surrender everything to It. When God consumes food, He leaves the leftovers for you; with this attitude you should take your food. This remembrance will make you holy.  It means one doesn’t eat without first offering it to God. Without food there is no prana, and without prana there is no mind, intellect and individual soul. We are alive and active only because of the food juices. Without prana, how can there be Atman? The prana and Atman always co-exist in a body and when prana departs Atman is aware of it. One who remains as per the Guru’s advice has no death. The worshippers become one with Atman. Others have to face the illusion of death.

Prana comes and goes, but not the Atman. Atman is prior to space, which It contains and knows. This is known to only the rare one. Some people call prana as consciousness-God. When you accept someone as your Guru, you must follow Him fully. But how many really follow?

Atman has become everything on Its own. Then how can you desire fruit for any action? Even the worship is done by Hari himself, of Himself. The words acquire a sharp edge of their own. Hence, when your word becomes pure, do not use words which can harm others. Here, I am talking about the utterances of one who chants mantra round the clock. Don’t do anything forcefully, desiring anything. Be energetic in chanting the mantra, without any desires. The purpose of chanting should be to forget yourself and not to achieve anything. Then you will know that all happening is spontaneous. The creation of body, its education and training, all happen spontaneously. There is no reason to be proud of anything that is spontaneous.

Self-Love, The Original Dream: Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Direct Pointers To Reality

Tuesday Talk August 6, 2019

John Richards Tuesday-Talk-August-6,-2019

This is the Tuesday Talk held August 6,  2019. Tuesday Talks is a gathering on Zoom of devotees from the Ramakant Maharaj USA visit. This is a gathering of devotee’s to discuss and clarify the teachings of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. These spontaneous utterances are recorded and shared with anyone who may find them useful.
Jai Sadguru!




Tuesday Talk July 23, 2019

John Richards Tuesday Talk July 23, 2019

This is the Tuesday Talk held July 23,  2019. Tuesday Talks is a gathering on Zoom of devotees from the Ramakant Maharaj USA visit. This is a gathering of devotee’s to discuss and clarify the teachings of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. These spontaneous utterances are recorded and shared with anyone who may find them useful.
Jai Sadguru!