“Please, Just Accept the Reality!”

My Dearest Devotees,

Yes, my dear friends, we will have a short discussion. There is one basic thing: as long as you are counting yourself as the body-form, it will be highly impossible for you to accept the Reality. It is an open fact, that this body is not your identity at all. I am shouting this out all the time, in different ways. Listen to me! I am talking about Presence. Keep your attention on Presence, and not on all the illusory layers, that have covered over your Presence, your Reality.

Now that you have the knowledge, listen to your own Master, that Invisible Presence within you. Self-Realization will only arise, if you discard all the dust with a spiritual broom. Are you ready to remove all the dust, that you have accumulated? All I am requesting from you is that you undergo the meditation. It is the only way, the only medium, through which you can remove all this dust, all the garbage of illusory concepts.

You are happy to accept quotations from the great teachers and Masters, and indulge in re-quoting their words, parrot-fashion: “So and so, says it like this, and so and so, says it like that!” The fact that you are happy with all these second-hand quotations is a dangerous thing. You are hooked on the words! As you know, words are not Ultimate Truth, they are only indicators or pointers. You say, “I read I Am That every day. I have read Ramana Maharshi a thousand times”. You are inflating the ego by making these claims. That ego is dangerous for your spiritual career. Please don’t do this! Because even if you have read so many books, and taken the Mantra from me, it is totally meaningless. You either accept the Reality, or you do not. There are no half-way measures. There should not be any duality. That is the drawback of the human being. Read the Reader!

Read books, but don’t become addicted to them. If you have read all these spiritual books, why are you coming here? It means that whatever knowledge you have, is only theoretical knowledge. It has not touched you. You have not yet identified yourself. Don’t become a Master of spirituality, become a Master of Selfless Self!

The body is not your identity at all. When it is your time to leave the body? There should not be any concept of “I am dying” around. Prepare now! The purpose behind spirituality is that you should be fearless. Be strong, and stand on your own feet! You are Ultimate Truth, but you are not willing to accept it.

You are to dissolve the concept of “body-attachment”. Start from you! Everything starts from you, and everything ends within you. You are the central point of this world. If that Invisible Presence within the body were not there, what value does the body have, and what is the value of all your relations? There is no value. There are no relations! Please just accept the Reality!

You have to teach your mind, teach your ego, and intellect. Become their Master! It is very simple. Always remain with your Selfless Self. Ignore the mind, and the thoughts. Don’t waste your energy, by giving these things attention. If you follow my instructions, and meditate sincerely, and recite the Naam Mantra, all the dust will be removed. And, you will be delightfully surprised at the transformation.

After knowing the Reality, forget about all the illusory concepts! Because they are all decorated notes, fake currency, that has no value in the market. Use this approach to throw everything out. You are not fake notes. You are Reality! You are Reality! When I am sitting here, talking with you, there is a flow coming from my Master which I am sharing with you. This can happen to you also. It is not impossible, if you become one with your Master, and totally accept the Reality that the Master is conveying. After Spontaneous Conviction, there will be permanent happiness and peace, fearlessness and a stress-free life. You will not need any material cause, to make you happy, or peaceful. Happiness is your nature. Peace is your nature. Don’t underestimate yourself! You are not a little, insignificant thing. You are Great! That Greatness is already within you. Stop ignoring it! The human body is a golden opportunity for you to finally know who you really are. So, please don’t waste any more time! Just please accept the Reality!

Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Ultimate Truth

Tuesday Talk April 27, 2021

John Richards Tuesday Talk April 27, 2021

This is the Tuesday Talk held April 27, 2021. Tuesday Talks is a gathering on Zoom of devotees from the Ramakant Maharaj USA visit. This is a gathering of devotee’s to discuss and clarify the teachings of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. These spontaneous utterances are recorded and shared with anyone who may find them useful.
Jai Sadguru!




Tuesday Talk April 20, 2021


This is the Tuesday Talk held April 20, 2021. Tuesday Talks is a gathering on Zoom of devotees from the Ramakant Maharaj USA visit. This is a gathering of devotee’s to discuss and clarify the teachings of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. These spontaneous utterances are recorded and shared with anyone who may find them useful.
Jai Sadguru!




Soham Sadhana

This inner “I Am” is the nature of the Self. It is called the “unbeaten sound” (anahat) that originates from within, as it is not produced externally. The “I Am” feeling itself is “Soham.” This unbeaten, internal chanting of “Soham” goes on all throughout one’s life in the form of the breath, over 20,000 times a day. Although the individual seems to be the body, it is the Self that truly identifies with the body. This is the power of Illusion.

Shri Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Amrut Laya – The Stateless State

Soham-Hamsa and Hari Om are important mantras, by repeating which the Self can be realized. One who has full knowledge of the Self becomes cool like the moon. The most natural state, which is free of any action, is the true Self. That state is beyond the intellect and free of all concepts. One is naturally in that state after Self-realization. You can always see without seeing – with your eyes closed – the deep blue shade which is very natural. It is formless. The Self cannot be seen. It is our direct perception of our being. With closed eyes you see the dark blue canopy over the Self.

Self-Love, The Original Dream: Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Direct Pointers To Reality

Soham-Haunsa (I am That) and Hari Om are mantras which help to realize the Self. The knower of Self is cool and peaceful like the moon. Our true nature is the most easy and natural state, which is experienced without doing anything. In it there is no intellect and there are no concepts. This state follows Self-realization. When you close your eyes, you see dark blue, which is easy, natural and formless. It is called as Ghanashyama. Self is invisible, which cannot be seen by deliberate effort. It gives us our sense of being.

Self-Love, The Original Dream: Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Direct Pointers To Reality

20. The meaning behind the statements “Soham” (I am He), “Hansa” (He is I), and “Tatvamasi” (You are That) is that you are Brahman. With investigation and subtle thoughtfulness one easily arrives at That state.

Chapter: 13, Sub-Chapter: 2 Explanation of Essence and Non-Essence

There is the term “I Am” (Soham). “I Am” is continuously being repeated day and night. Without speaking a word, it is a constant awareness. The word “japa” in Sanskrit has one meaning as “repetition,” but it has another meaning in Marathi, which is “to take care of,” or to protect, or nurture. This is all automatic. In all the bodies of all creatures the repetition of the soundless sound “Soham,” and “Hamsa,” is continuous with the breathing. By understanding this a man is free of all bondage. In all creatures, the awareness of “I Am” is constant.

Shri Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Master of Self-Realization – An Ultimate Understanding

The Stirrings of ‘So Hum’

Manifested Brahma is the ‘I am’, whatever principle is prior to the utterance of sound, that principle proclaims by itself. What I insists is that you must stabilize in that state. The recitation of the mantra ‘So Hum’ must be for a very long time, it is prior to words. When that ‘So Hum’ principle, is pleased, that principle, represented by these words, expounds knowledge.

The ‘So Hum’ Japa is incessantly going on in your pulse, indicating ‘I am’ get in tune with it by recitation. That ‘So Hum’ energy without words is the raw material of incarnations and the incarnations are the hoardings of the primary principle. The primordial principle is ‘Parabrahman’; its advertisement is done by movement, the stirrings of ‘So Hum’. By its movement it is praising the primordial principle, that advertising material is the ‘Moolmaya’ (Primary Illusion). That incarnating principle – the ‘Moolmaya’– gives knowledge to the incarnated.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Tuesday Talk April 13, 2021

John Richards Tuesday Talk April 13, 2021

This is the Tuesday Talk held April 13, 2021. Tuesday Talks is a gathering on Zoom of devotees from the Ramakant Maharaj USA visit. This is a gathering of devotee’s to discuss and clarify the teachings of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. These spontaneous utterances are recorded and shared with anyone who may find them useful.
Jai Sadguru!