Journal Entry April 11, 2015

Sadguru Shri Ramakant Maharaj

Sadguru Shri Ramakant MaharajThank You God! Today I was able to Skype with Sri Ramakant Maharaj feeling the energy flowing freely and the mind completely dead. Meeting You without fear or expectation. Hearing you speak after having been guided by you internally as the sense of Presence since 2010 and knowing immediately that it was You and I was not crazy. The fear is illusion, fear leaves, absolute peace, silence, quietness. This is the Reality now, Thank You. Speaking with You as Sri Ramakant Maharaj today allowed me to see in retrospect that the Spirit or Presence which was felt for the first time in October of 2010, was nourished through the program of recovery, was truly guiding and molding my life as I surrendered more deeply to the Presence. That Presence that led me to read I Am That, Master of Self-Realization and had slowly been removing my ignorance was indeed my Self, which I was meeting with and talking with for the first time in the form of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. What A Blessing and Gift. Aham Brahmasmi…. Tat Tvam Asi…. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om…. Thy Will Always Be Done… Thanks Be to God!