Journal Entry May 5, 2015

Nashik AshramForgive me Lord I am experiencing some bouts of self pity in the moment. The idea came to write a gratitude list as the blessings have been abundantly flowing and I wanted to give thanks on record. India Trip – Got tickets, Charles said I can stay in the Ashram for the month of August, Maharaj Book Selfless Self and Skyping with Maharaj, and I know it is You I am speaking with and we are about to meet in form. Thank You. Work is going beyond amazing. There is spontaneous responding and scenes just passing without notice or concern. Charles has said that 50 Million Saints and Sadhus (Holy Men) will be in Nashik, which is only every 12 years that this happens, and I will BE THERE WITH YOU taking initiation into the Inchegiri Navnath Sampradaya!!! Thank You God. Please forgive me for showing any ingratitude or self pity. I Thank You deeply for the life You chose to live as me. Thank You for the Grace, Love and Peace that is You.