Journal Entry May 12, 2015

Sri Ramakant MaharajThank You God for this amazing day. Went to get passport today for the trip to India. Thank You. You have guided me and helped me grow so much since the frightened child afraid of his own shadow. Your power surges through every atom of my Being, I am so very grateful for this life. Tonight you spoke with me in the form of Robin and really let me know that everything is as it should be, a personal matter had come about and another doubt had risen. You also showed by speaking through Robin the fact that if ego, or specialness is taken that the chance to dialogue with you will be reduced as their will be a filter of me and other that will be clouded the dialogue with the idea of persons talking. God Thank You for showing me this valuable lesson that I am always in a two way communication with You, it’s just You, You listen and speak through each and every Being. Please grant that I may remain humble enough to hear You speaking always without the filter of ego ruining it. The amazing sensation that You are always there, behind the eyes and ears of everyone went from an idea or belief in the possibility to a deep conviction in the Heart. Sometimes when I don’t remember this it seems to show again. Colleen, Berkeley, Mike, Rob, Don, Liz all were You and I recognized this by Your Grace. I just have to listen with open Heart and a Deep Knowing.

Thank You God. I love You God, Thank You so much for loving me, even when I have felt unlovable. I am so very looking forward to being with You in the most pure way in the form You have chosen as Sri Ramakant Maharaj. I surrender, even though the only thing I have to surrender, is the idea You gave of surrendering.