Journal Entry August 4, 2015

At Charles de Gaulle Airport right nowThe Air France flight was amazing, excellent and short. Really way shorter than expected. Thank You God. Stewardess moved me to a seat with plenty of leg room, food was great, listened to Bhajans and meditatively slept the whole time, when not eating. Ordered the pasta and curry to try and it was delicious. Whatever they put in front of me, I eat, without any past experience being called on to color the tasting. Thank You God. At Charles de Gaulle Airport right now and time is going by very fast. Had an Oringina which I have not had in a long time with Kit Kat Chocolate Balls, very good. Took picture and posted on Facebook Welcome to Paris. Bought chocolate for Prasad that has the Arc de Triumph picture on the box. Also bought Euro charger converter which was needed to charge the electronics. Thank You God this trip has been awesomely detailed by You, and I am so grateful!