Journal Entry July 5, 2015

Sri Ramakant MahrajSo many blessings You continue to pour out. Thank You God this life is Yours. In January began Chidananda Rupa Shivoham in addition to morning and evening prayers. As of 1st of July seem to be drifting away from previous conventional readings and prayers and have begun the Tukaram 12 Abhanga’s along with the Shivoham as sung in the Ashram. Reading Selfless Self for the fifth time and experience of non-experience in each moment seems quite naturally the new norm. Tonight I observed myself hand washing the Kurtas that I had purchased for the trip and dressing in the Ashram. Thank You. Every moment is fresh and alive with no stories drawing attention, mind is quiet and general happiness, bliss and peace are expanding from within. Listening to the Ashram Bhajans to and from work while reading Selfless Self. Thank You. I downloaded a new picture from Facebook today printed it and posted it on the wall at my desk. I see You, and each moment leads me to You in the form of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. India Visa came back in email approved. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti om. RAJA-DHI-RAJ-SADGURUNATH-SHRI-RAMAKANT-MAHARAJ-KI-JAY!