Reality Is Not Separate From You

What progress is required? There is no I, no you, no he, she, it. Prior to beingness you expect progress will be there? After leaving body what progress is required? You are not in need of the spiritual knowledge after leaving the body. You have read so many masters of spiritual knowledge. Will that knowledge help you at the time of leaving your body? You have met spiritual master, you have read so many books, you are a master of all this spiritual knowledge. Just inquire yourself, question yourself. ‘All this knowledge will help me at the time of leaving the body?’. Answer is there: No! Spiritual knowledge, whatever knowledge you are having is not useful at the time of leaving the body, what is the use of that knowledge? Has this knowledge given courage, spiritual courage to face each and every problem? Because basically You are Unborn. You are posing: I-am-born, my energy is like this, I am going to die, future life, present life, past life, so many concepts are there. With courage, you are to dissolve all concepts. Spiritually is giving courage to accept the Reality. Because you are the Reality, Reality is not separate from You.

Q: So, when we are saying that after the death we are not having any use of this spiritual knowledge…

Maharaj: See death and birth are also concepts. Nobody is having experience of death and birth. Until you see the death, someone die.

Q: The people who follow the spiritual practice…

Maharaj: Why to think about the about the people? You think about yourself! What you see is the Seer’s reflection, Seer’s projection. If there is no Seer how can you see the people?

Q: You Cannot.

Maharaj: If there is no Presence in your body how can you see the people? That means entire world is projected out of Your Presence. If there is no Presence there for a moment, who will talk about the people? Who will talk about the God, master, and everything? That concept is supposed to be dissolved. You are thinking of this people, that people, that people, the realized people or not so, why? You think of yourself. It’s the habit of mind to take the touch of each and everything in the world. The world itself is illusion. Shankara say, “to say ‘I’ it is illusion, to say ‘you’ it is illusion, to say ‘Brahman’ is illusion, entire world is illusion”. Where are the people? Where is the God? Where are the Masters? Hmm? It’s a plain knowledge. Again, I am repeating, for absorbing this Reality you are to undergo the meditation, only thing. Meditation is the only source. Dry discussion will be not helpful for you. Reading thousands of books is meaningless. You are getting some sort of intoxication temporary, painkillers. Everything starts from You, everything ends within You.

Sri Ramakant Maharaj