Thank You God the food poisoning seems to be just another passing moment. Oneness is setting so deeply in that sometimes it seems expanding into everything is all that is remembered. Told Master about Bhajans and loosing my place, rather than getting irritated just expanded into everything and felt amazing Calmness and Peace. This seems to now be an at will thing, expanding into everything, bodiless with no sense of body, then also sensing body fro whatever functioning is needed in the moment. Master has mentioned many times now that the “peak” is there and now stabilizing with Bhajans, Meditation, Mantra. Was a bit worried about this expansion and detachment at will, but You said it was a good sign of merging. All Praise and Glory to That that I AM. When Master speaks about Saints Life” “Saints Journey” even then it is noticed that No One is stepping forward through desire to claim that title.