Nisargadatta Maharaj said: “the purpose of the Mantra is to surrender the seen to Brahman”. How is this done?

Yes! Because when the Spirit touched with the body, the concept of “I am somebody” emerged. The consciousness accepted “I am somebody”. And, so, Nisargadatta Maharaj said that the Mantra acts in a way that will remedy this mistaken notion. The Mantra, “I am Brahman. Brahman I am”, is meant as the Final Truth. The Mantra is hammering you with your Reality spontaneously. You forgot about your Identity, therefore, the Invisible Meditator within you, reminds you: “I am Brahman”. Brahman is the Ultimate Truth, your Final Truth. All the saints say exactly the same thing: “Try to identify yourself”. You are identifying yourself in the body-form, and that is illusion! Therefore, concentrate on the Concentrator within you, until the Concentrator disappears!

Surrender the seen! You are not the body! Surrender your body-based-knowledge! Identify your Selfless Self. How were you prior to consciousness? How will you be after leaving consciousness? Through this consciousness, you are observing this world, watching this world. Is existence true or false? Identify that! Identify!

Ultimate Truth
Sri Ramakant Maharaj